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Godfried-Willem Raes

A quick composers guide to the Logos Robot orchestra

(more detailed info on one of the automatons, click on their name)

This page summarizes the implemented midi commands for the robots constituting the robot orchestra. Go to Godfried-Willem Raes' homepage

automated acoustical pipe and reed organs








developped in collaboration with Ghent University Association

  • <Qt> (6-octave quartertone organ module, closed flue pipes)
    • midi note range 36 - 108 , velocity implemented for attack
    • uses 2 midi channels (5 for normal notes, 6 for the quarter tones) (counting 0-15)
    • Wind pressure: controller nr 7 (either channel 5 or 6) [normal value = 102]
    • Motor ON/OFF: controller 66 (0 or 127) (either channel 5 or 6)
    • Low Tremulant motor on/off: controller 67
    • High Tremulant motor on/off: controller 68
    • Aftertouch on/off controller: 69
    • Low tremulant speed: controller 11
    • High Tremulant speed: controller 12
    • program change 0 or 122-127, to select velocity lookup tables. default: 122
  • <Bourdonola> (automated pipeorgan, flue pipes, bass, string sound)
    • Midi note range: 36-62 (Note ON/ Note OFF, no velocity)
    • Lights mapped on notes 32,33,34,35
    • wind pressure with controller nr.1. Normal setting = 92
    • motor on off command: midi controller 66 (0 or 1-127)
    • Midi channel: 2 (0-15), same as <Piperola>.

  • <Harma> (an automated reed organ)
    • Midi note range: 29-89 (Note ON/Note OFF with velo)
    • Windpressure: controller nr. 7, range 20-100. Normal setting = 60
    • Motor ON/OFF: controller nr.66: 0 or 1-127
    • Registers: program change 15 switches all registers ON.
    • f# bell on note 90. (with velo)
    • white lights on notes 91,92
    • red lights on notes 94,95
    • central small lights on note 93
    • red lights inside circuits on notes 96,97
    • logos display light on note 98
    • Midi channel: 9 (0-15).






developped in collaboration with Ghent University Association


<HarmO> (a large automated reed organ)
  • Midi note range: 17 -113 (Note ON/Note OFF with velo)
  • Polyphony: 32 notes, limited by wind supply and power.
  • Windvalve: controller nr.1, range 26 -100
  • Windpressure: controller nr. 7, range 1-127. Normal setting = 60
  • Motor ON/OFF: controller nr.66: 0 or 1-127
  • Registers: using 9 controllers (70 to 78): 0 or 1-127
  • Doppler tremulant: controller 82: (0-127)
  • 2 swells: continuous controllers 79 and 80: 0 - 127
  • Program change: velocity lookup table select. Use 122 for a good scaling.
  • Lights: mapped on notes 119 - 127.
  • Midi channel: 9 (0-15).


  • <Krum> (an automated Krummhorn register with wood pipework)
    • Midi note range: 36-91
    • Wind pressure control: controller nr. 7, normal value 111 (compulsary)
    • Motor ON/OFF: controller nr.. 66
    • Motor error reset: controller nr.. 65
    • Wind Valve control: controller nr.1 (0- closed, 127= max. opened)
    • Windvalve desactivate: Controller nr. 12
    • Tremulant speed: Controller nr.11 (frequency = midi value / 10)
    • Tremulant on/off: Controller nr. 13 (0= off, 16= ON)
    • Lights: mapped on notes 100, 101 (frontlights). 102 (bottom light)
    • All notes off: controller 123
    • Midi Channel: 7 (0-15)
  • <Piperola> (automated pipeorgan, flue pipes, soprano)
    • Midi note range: 60-108
    • Lights: mapped on notes 118-119
    • Percussion: notes 120-127 (with velocity)
    • Controller 10 and 11 to control expression (see complete midi implementation table)
    • Wind pressure: controller nr 7. Normal setting : 85
    • Motor on/off: controller nr. 65 (value 0 or 1-127)
    • All notes off: controller 123
    • Midi channel: 2 (0-15)
Vox Humanola
<Vox Humanola>
  • <Vox humanola> (automated pipeorgan, vox humana with castanets: <Casta 1 >)
    • midi note range: 36-91 (note ON, Note OFF, no velocity)
    • castagnets: notes 113-127 (with velocity)
    • program change 0 or 122, to select velocity mapping for castagnets. default: 122
    • horn mapped on note 31 (Note ON, Note OFF, no velocity)
    • Windpressure: controller nr. 7 (volume), normal setting = 89 (compulsary)
    • Controller 10 and 11 to control expression (see complete midi implementation table)
    • All notes off: controller 123
    • Midi-channel: 1 (0-15)

  • <Trump>
    • midi note range 32-68 (Note On/Off, no velocity)
    • windpressure uses volume controller (7) command. Normal setting must be 100.
    • Midi channel: 15 (0-15)
  • <Ake> (automated accordion, 2004-2008)
    • pressure/volume expression control: controller 7 (0-64-127) (0-63=suction, 65-127 = pressure)
    • motor control: controller 1 (0-127) [ wind controller, default= 64]
    • on/off switch: controller 66
    • left hand notes: 19-42 (Note ON/Off, no velocity)
    • right hand notes: 49-94 (Note ON/Off, no velocity)
    • Midi Channel: 8 (0-15)


  • <Bako> (automated bass accordion, 2006/2008)
    • notes 24-57 on/off with velo 0-127
    • channel pressure (0-127)
    • motor power enable: controller 66 (on/off)
    • volume controller (absolute wind pressure): 7, range 1-127
    • Bellow position: controller 70 (0-127)
    • Midi Channel: 7 (0-15)
    • Midi Out:: bellow position (0-127)
  • <Puff> (automated quartertone puff-organ)
    • midi note range: 55-96 in quartertones.
      To obtain quartertones in midi, transpose notes 4 octaves downwards: 7-49.
      Puff has 84 pipes.
      Usefull velocity range: 2 to 64.
    • Lights mapped on notes. Noteoff required.
    • Puff has PIR movement sensors build in.
    • Midi Channel: 13 (0-15)



developped in collaboration with Ghent University Association

<Bomi> (automated portable pipe organ with stopped wood pipes, 2010)

  • midi note range: 55-91. Velocity implemented.
  • individual note aftertouch implemented.
  • Lights mapped on notes 0 and 120 to 127. Noteoff required.
  • controller 1: wind valve (default 0, default for use with tremulant: 80-90)
  • controller 7: wind pressure (motor speed, default 72)
  • controller 11: tremulant speed (100-108, for normal use)
  • controller 12: tremulant modulation depth (default 38- 60)
  • controller 66: motor on/off switch
  • controller 123: all notes off
  • Midi channel: 3 (0-15)




<Hybr> (hybrid membrane driven pipe resonators, 2014-2015)

  • midi note range: 33-72. Velocity and release implemented
  • individual note pitch bend implemented using key pressure
  • controller 1: wind noise
  • controllers 3 and 4: vibrato depth and speed
  • controllers 5 and 6: tremolo depth and speed
  • controller 7: global volume
  • controller 16 to 19: ADSR enveloppe control
  • controller 20: global tuning
  • controller 66: power on/off
  • controller 123: all notes off
  • controller 124: microtuning enable via key pressure
  • Midi channel: 8 (0-15)




<HybrHi> (hybrid membrane driven pipe resonators, high treble, 2015)


  • midi note range: 73-108. Velocity and release implemented
  • individual note pitch bend implemented using key pressure
  • controller 1: wind noise
  • controllers 3 and 4: vibrato depth and speed
  • controllers 5 and 6: trremolo depth and speed
  • controller 7: global volume
  • controller 16 to 19: ADSR enveloppe control
  • controller 20: global tuning
  • controller 66: power on/off
  • controller 123: all notes off
  • controller 124: microtuning enable via key pressure
  • Midi channel: 8 (0-15)


<HybrLo> (hybrid membrane driven pipe resonators, subbass register, 2016 / 2020)

  • midi note range: 22 - 69. Velocity (= attack level) and release implemented
  • controller 1: Noisiness [default =1]
  • controller 7: global sustain level
  • controller 14: Waveshape controller
  • controller 15: ADSR-period controller
  • controller 16: Attack duration controller
  • controller 18: Decay duration controller
  • controller 19: Release duration controller
  • controller 20: Tuning [default 64 for A=440Hz]
  • controller 66: power on/off
  • controller 80: Dynamic range scaling controller (20dB-60dB)
  • controller 90: range limiter (sets upper limit of ambitus: 22 to 69)[default =69]
  • controllers 94 - 105: AM modulators for sustain levels.
  • controller 123: all notes off
  • Keypressure implemented for wave-shaping (notes 22 - 69)
  • Program changes implemented for presets (default 0, 0-5 implemented)
  • Channel Aftertouch implemented for global amplitude modulation.
  • Midi channel: 8 (0-15)


<Melauton>, an automated melodica (1998/2022)

  • Midi note range: 60-84, velocity not implemented
    Controller 7: wind pressure (volume)
    Controller 66: Power on/off, resets all controllers
    Controller 68: Motor mode of operation [default = 1, advised:9]
  • Controller 69: minimum motor speed [default = 80]
  • Controller 70: Scaling factor for wind control [default = 64]
  • Controller 71: wait time before standby wind pressure (in 0.1 s units)
    Controller 72: wait time before motor off (in 0.1 s units)
    Controller 123: all notes off
    Midi channel: 1 (0-15)


<Pi> an extremely high pitched portable electromechanic serinette organ (2017)

midi note range: 84 to 127

  • controller 1: noise controller
  • controller 7: global sustain level, volume
  • controller 15: wave control (duty cycle)
  • controller 17: attack time
  • controller 18 decay time
  • controller 19: release time
  • controller 21: tuning system
  • controller 66: power on/off (mandatory)
  • controllers #72 - #115: quartertone pitch control for each note
  • controller 123: all notes off
  • the velocity byte steers the attack level.
  • Midi channel: 5 (0-15)



<Pos> an automated positiv organ (2018)

  • controller 7: wind pressure (default value 127)
  • controller 30: global repetition speed
    controller 66: power on/off (mandatory)
    controller 123: all notes off
  • the velocity byte steers the valve attack speed
    Key pressure is implemented for each note and steers note repetitions.
    midi channel: 2 (0-15)



<2Pi>, a 2 1/2 octave high pitched serinette (2018)

midi note range: 72 to 101

  • controller 1: noise controller
  • controller 7: global sustain level, volume
  • controller 15: wave control (duty cycle)
  • controller 17: attack time
  • controller 18 decay time
  • controller 19: release time
  • controller 21: tuning system
  • controller 66: power on/off (mandatory)
  • controllers #72 - #101: quartertone pitch control for each note
  • controller 123: all notes off
  • the velocity byte steers the attack level.
  • blue lights mapped on notes 1 and 2
  • Midi channel: 5 (0-15)


a building project we finished in 2021 without any kind of subsidy

<RorO> a 6 octave roerpijp organ (2007-2021)


  • controller 7: wind pressure. Default = 43
  • controller 11: tremulant frequency
  • controller 30: global repetition speed
  • controller 66: power on/off (mandatory). 0 = off, >0 = On
  • controller 69: lights automation. Default = 0 (Off)
  • controller 123: all notes off
  • the velocity byte steers the valve attack speed
  • Key pressure is implemented for each note and steers note repetitions.
  • MIDI channel: 3 (0-15), 4 if counting 1 to 16.
  • Program change implemented for register changes. Usefull values: 3,7,11,19,35. Default = 7.


a building project we finished in march 2022 without any kind of support nor subsidy

<3Pi>, a 2 1/2 octave high membrane driven regal using conical pipes (2022)

midi note range: 60 to 89

  • controller 1: noise controller
  • controller 7: global volume
  • controller 15: wave control (duty cycle)
  • controller 16: sustain level
  • controller 17: attack time
  • controller 18 decay time
  • controller 19: release time
  • controller 21: tuning system
  • controller 66: power on/off (mandatory)
  • controllers #72 - #101: quartertone pitch control for each note an octave lower
  • controller 123: all notes off
  • the velocity byte steers the attack level.
  • blue lights mapped on notes 1 and 2
  • Midi channel: 5 (0-15)


an experimental building project started in march 2022 without any kind of support nor subsidy. Finished august 2022.

<4Pi>, a 5 1/2 octave membrane driven organ (2022)

  • controller 1: noise controller
  • controller 7: global volume
  • controller 15: wave control (duty cycle)
  • controller 16: sustain level
  • controller 17: attack time
  • controller 18 decay time
  • controller 19: release time
  • controller 21: tuning system
  • controller 66: power on/off (mandatory)
  • controllers #69 - #120: quartertone pitch control for each note 43-96
  • controller 123: all notes off, no controller reset
  • the velocity byte steers the attack level.
  • blue lights mapped on notes 12 and 14, yellow light on note 13.
  • key pressure implemented as wave control for individual notes.
  • Midi channel: 11 (0-15)


Slag-werk - automated percussion

Background info: Web strikes back
  • <Klung> (automated brass angklung) [2000]
    • Midi Channel: 4 (0-15)
    • Note On/Off: velocity implemented
    • Key Pressure controls the repetition speed of the angklungs
    • Controller 30: Global repetition speed (2Hz-16Hz)
    • Controller 66 : power on/off (power off resets the robot)
    • Controller 67: video on/off switch
    • Controller 123: all notes/lights off.
    • program change 0 or 122, to select velocity mapping. default is 0

  • <Rotomoton> (five automated rototoms)
    • controller 65: beater power on/off switch
    • controller 66: motor power on/off switch
    • controllers 81-85: (re)calibrate low pitch position on drums 1- 5
    • controllers 91-95: (re)calibrate high pitch position on drums 1- 5
    • controllers 101-105: pitch controllers for drums 1-5, range 0-127 as set after calibration
    • Midi Channel: 8 (0-15)
  • <Springers> (automated siren, shakers and very long springs) [2000]
    • program change 0 or 122, to select velocity lookup tables. default is 122
    • Midi Channel: 7 (0-15)
  • <ThunderWood> (automated 'nature' noises) [2000 / 2017]
    • Midi Channel: 5 (0-15)
    • Power on controller: 66
    • Rotating flashlight (orange): controller 70
    • Green light: note 120
    • Red light: note 121
    • Yellow light: note 122
    • Amber light: note 123
    • Blue light: note 125
    • Wind-machine speed can also be controlled with controller 1
    • Storm-wind motor brake implemented on note-off with release. (note 25)
    • program change 0 or 122-127, to select velocity lookup tables. default is 122.


  • <Psch> (automated small thunder sheets)
    • note mapping: 72-83
    • lights: 84 or 120, 85 or 121, 86 or 122, 87 or 123 (blue)
    • Controller #30: repeat speed (global)
    • Controller #66: Power on/off (Power off resets the robot)
    • Controller #123: all notes off
    • Key pressure implemented for automatic repeats.
    • Midi Channel: 5 (0-15)

  • <Troms> (automated drums)
    • program change 0 or 122-127, to select velocity lookup tables. default is 122.
    • Midi Channel: 6 (0-15)


  • <Snar> , an automated full featured snare drum
    • Midi Channel: 6 (0-15)
    • Controller #11: Snares ON/OFF (value 0-127)
    • Controller#123: All notes off, releases snares and dims all lites.
    • program change 0 or 122-127, to select velocity mapping. default is 122.

    Note: an improved version of this robot was made to the order of Aphex Twin in 2014. The details can be retrieved here: <Snar_2>.

  •   <Snar_2> , an improved automated full featured snare drum
    • Midi Channel: 9 (0-15)
    • all notes off, releases snares and dims both lites.
    • Snares ON/OFF controller: controllers 9,10, 11 (value 0-127)

    Note: this robot was made to the order of Aphex Twin in 2014. So it is not a member of the Logos Robot Orchestra.


    • <Vibi> (automated vibraphone)
      • midi range 60-96, velo implemented
      • note off with release implemented
      • polyphonic aftertouch (key pressure), controls damping force
      • controllers 20,21 for the vibrato motors speed (range 0-127)
      • controller 22 for both vibrato motors together (0-127)
      • controller 23: damping value (0-127)
      • controller 24: damping mode
        • 0 = use release value with note-off commands
        • 1 = use value set with damping controller value
        • 2 = use key pressure control of damping
      • controller 64, for sustain. If sustain is >0 then all damping modes will be disabled.
      • controller 66: on/off switch
      • Midi Channel: 10 (0-15)
    • <Belly> (automated carillon)
      • Midi Channel: 11 (0-15)
      • Note on + velo: 68 to 102
      • Yellow lights mapped on notes 120-123 (on/off)
      • White lights mapped on notes 124-125 (on-off)
      • controller 66: power on/off
      • controller 67: video power switch
      • program change: 0 or 122 for velo mapping. default is 122


    • <Flex> (automated singing saws - 2002/2016)
      • Midi Channel: 12 (0-15)
      • controller #41: attack force for the bows
      • controller #43: attack pulse duration for the bows
      • controller #44: ramping speed for the bow motors
      • controller #45: pitch bend destination ( e or Pi)
      • controller #46: ramping speed for bending motors
      • controller #66: power on/off
      • controller #123: all notes off. No controller reset.
      • key pressure implemented
      • pitch bend: positioning of the saws (bending), Range 0-234 (msb-1, lsb-106)




    developped in collaboration with Ghent University Association, School of Arts

    • <Xy> (automated quartertone xylophone - 2007)
      • Midi channels 2 and 3. (counting 0-15)
      • Note ON + velo implemented. Note off not required.
      • Controller 66: Power on/off switch (channel 3)
      • Lights: 123-127, see <Xy> webpage for details.
      • program change 0 or 122-127, to select velocity mapping. default is 122




    developped in collaboration with Ghent University Association, School of Arts

    • <La Vacca> (48 automated cowbells)
      • Midi note range: 48 - 95, velocity implemented. Note off not required. Midi notes do not correspond to sounding pitches! (the real range is from 45 to 88, but not in equal temperament chromatic order)
      • Using the MidiPlayer that is part of our <GMT> software, Vacca can operate in an 'intelligent' mode, toggled by controller 72. If this controller is set to a value higher then 0, the software tries to find a bell that has a pitch approximating the correct pitch of the given midi notes. If this bell is found it is played, otherwise nothing is played. The value of controller 72 determines how much cents the pitch may deviate. Setting this controller to 0 switches off the intelligent mode.
      • Controller 66: Power on/off switch
      • Lights mapped on the notes 24-30. See Vacca webpage for details.
      • Midi Channel: 4 (0-15)
      • program change 0 or 122-127, to select velocity mapping. default is 122.



    • <Vitello> (36 automated cowbells) (2005 / 2013)
      • Midi note range: 44-47 and 96-127, velocity implemented. Note off not required. Midi notes do not correspond to sounding pitches!
      • Lights mapped on midi notes 12, 13, 14 (red), 15, 16, 17, 18 (yellow)
      • Using the MidiPlayer that is part of our <GMT> software, Vitello can operate in an 'intelligent' mode, toggled by controller 72. If this controller is set to a value higher then 0, the software tries to find a bell that has a pitch approximating the correct pitch of the given midi notes. If this bell is found it is played, otherwise nothing is played. The value of controller 72 determines how much cents the pitch may deviate. Setting this controller to 0 switches off the intelligent mode.
      • Controller 66: ON/OFF switch
      • Midi Channel: 4 (0-15)
      • program change 0 or 122-127, to select velocity mapping. default is 122.
    • <Llor> (automated shell-bells in stainless steel, 2004 / 2017)
      • midi note range 36-47: hard beaters (with velo) [the real pitches do not correspond to these notes!]
      • midi note range 48-59: soft beaters (with velo)
      • Using the MidiPlayer that is part of our <GMT> software, <Llor> can operate in an 'intelligent' mode, toggled by controller 72. If this controller is set to a value higher then 0, the software tries to find a bell that has a pitch approximating the correct pitch of the given midi notes. If this bell is found it is played, otherwise nothing is played. The value of controller 72 determines how much cents the pitch may deviate. Setting this controller to 0 switches off the intelligent mode.
      • midi notes 1,2,3,4,5: blue LED spotlights (ON/OFF)
      • key pressure implemented for automatic note repetitions
      • Midi Channel: 11 (0-15). Same as Belly-channel, no note overlap.
    • <Tubi> (automated quartertone tubophone)
      • midi note range: 72-108 for the chromatic normal notes,
      • midi note range 24-60 for the quartertone notes.
      • midi controller 66 is used to switch tubi on or off
      • Midi Channel: 15 (0-15)


    <Casta Due>

    • <Casta 2> an automated set of 16 castanets
      • midi note range: 112-127, velocity implemented
      • lites mapped on note 111, velocity controls intensity
      • midi note range:
      • program change 0 or 122-127, to select velocity mapping. default is 122
      • Midi-channel: 1 (0-15) [note: if both Casta 1 and Casta 2 are used, they have to be connected to different midi ports.


    • <Simba> automated cymbals with some small percussion extras
      • midi channel: 1 (0-15).
      • program changes for velo lookup table selections. default is 122
      • note pressure implemented for flashing lights on notes 110 to 114.
      • midi note range:


    developped in collaboration with Ghent University Association, School of Arts and its students in instrument building

    An automated set of twelve chinese temple blocks (2012-2013)

    • Note On with velocity. Note off not required for the temple blocks.
    • Controller 66: power on/off
    • Midi channel :12 (or 13 if counting 1-16)


    developped in collaboration with Ghent University Association, School of Arts and its students in instrument building

    An automated set of tunable alu-bronze tines (2014/2017)

    • note On with velocity
    • Note off with release for damper control
    • Controller 1: e-bow jitter
    • Controller 2: e-bow duty cycle (wave form)
    • Controller 3: e-bow on/off
    • Controller 4: feedback on/off
    • Controller 5: tone inject on/off
    • Controller 6: Note on/off or key pressure used for inject control
    • Controller 7: Sustain level for inject mode
    • Controller 11: e-drive volume for feedback mode
    • Controller 17: attack time
    • Controller 18: decay time
    • Controller 19: release time
    • Controller 64: Sustain pedal on/off
    • Controller 66: power on/off
    • Pitch bend implemented for e-resonant modes.
    • Lights mapped on the note range 112-127.
      midi channel: 7 (or 8 if counting 1-16)

    <Rodo> is equiped with a build-in two channel gesture sensing radar system.




    developped as part of a commission from the Ictus ensemble for the performance of George Antheil's Ballet Mechanique (Balmec project)

    An automated set of electric bells (2015)

    • note on with velocity
    • Key pressure to control repetition speed for each bell (range 1Hz to 60Hz)
    • Controller 66: power on/off. Power off, resets the key pressure settings.
    • Lights mapped on notes 120, 126 and 127
    • midi channel: 13 (or 14 if counting 1-16)

    midi file and mp3 recording demo available: see Bello page



    an experimental tintinabuli instrument

    automated tintinabuli with ultrasound demodulation (2015)

    • note off releases bell
    • note on with velocity
    • key pressure used for automatic repetitions (shaking speed)
    • pitch bend for ultrasonic carrier frequency modulation (14 bits)
    • Controller 7: demodulation volume
    • Controller 8: ultrasonic carrier amplitude
    • Controller 30: shaking speed
    • Controller 31: ultrasonic base frequency
    • Controller 66: power on/off. Power off, resets the key pressure settings.
    • midi channel: 11 (or 12, if counting 1-16)



    automated orchestral windchimes (2016)

    • Controller #7: audio volume
    • Controller #8: Ultrasound carrier level
    • Controller #66: power on / off. Power off resets all controllers to their coldboot values.
    • Controllers #74, #75: motor trajectory limits left and right.
    • Controller #123: all sound off, preserving controller settings.
    • Midi channel: 9 (10 if counting 1-16)


    suspended automated drumkit (2018)

    • Controller #66: Power on/off
    • Controller #123: all notes and lights off
    • Midi Channel: 6 (7 if counting 1 to 16)




    Aluminum tubular bells with dampers (2019-2020)

    Note-off with release implemented, release steers the damping time.(default value 64)

    Note On with velo implemented (value 32=p, 64=f, 96=ff, given as a reference)

    Lights mapped on notes 120-126.

    Controller #20: Vibrato speed for notes 48-65
    Controller #21: Vibrato speed for notes 66-91
    Controller #22: Vibrato for 48-91 (no guaranteed sync)
    Controller #25: Damping time (default value = 64)
    Controller #40: Vibrato speed LSB for 48-65
    Controller #41: Vibrato speed LSB 66-91

    Controller #64: Sustain switch
    Controller #66: Power on/off switch
    Controller #123: all notes off, lights off, vibrato off

    Midi channel: 4 (5 if counting from 1)




    a building project we finished in 2022 without any kind of support nor subsidy

    An automated small diatonic steeldrum (2022)

    Note On with velo implemented

    Key-pressure used to steer individual note repetitions

    Controller #30: Global note repetition speed
    Controller #66: Power on/off switch
    Controller #69: light automatyion on/off
    Controller #123: all notes off, lights off

    Midi channel: 7 (8 if counting from 1)


    Monophonic wind instruments:


    • <Autosax> (an automated saxophone)
      • midi note range 24 - 90 (normal range 46-81)
      • the velocity byte steers the sustain level
      • controller 1: Noise amount
      • vibrato controllers #3 and #4
      • tremolo controllers #5 and #6
      • volume control: controller 7 - amplitude [default 100]
      • controller 15: ADSR period
      • controller 16: Attack time
      • controller 17: Attack level
      • controller 18: Decay time control
      • controller 19: Release time control
      • controller 20: tuning (64 for A=440Hz)
      • controller 80: for dynamic scaling
      • pitch bend: +/- 1 quartertone (50 cents)
      • key pressure: binary fingering control
      • controller 66: motor-driver on/off switch
      • lights mapped on notes 121 to 127.
      • Midi Channel: 4 (1-16) or 3 (0-15)

    • <So> (an automated sousaphone, 2003/2007/2020)
      • midi note range: 15 - 69
      • velocity and release implemented
      • wind noise controller (controller #1)[8]
      • vibrato controllers #3 and #4 [3, 64]
      • tremolo controllers #5 and #6 [2, 10]
      • volume controller: controller #7 [104]
      • controller #13 for fingerings
      • ADSR controllers #15-#19 [32,26,120,17,40]
      • controller #20 for tuning [64]
      • pitch bend implemented. (+/- one quatertone)
      • controllers #34 to #37 for the displays.
      • controller #66: So on/off switch.
      • controller #80 for dynamic scaling [32], for 30dB scale.
      • Midi Channel: 15 (1-16) or 14 (0-15)



  • <Bono> (automated valve trombone)
    • velocity implemented (low velo's give sfz effects)
    • volume controller: controller nr.7
    • dynamic controller nr. 17, normal setting = 127
    • attack controller nr. 18, normal setting = 100
    • release controller nr. 19
    • tuning controller nr. 20 (0 for A-440Hz)
    • controller 66: on/off
    • pitch bend implemented. (+/- one quartertone)
    • controller 13 for special fingerings
    • lights mapped on midi notes 120-125
    • program change: used for selection of different fingering tables. Default = 0
    • Midi Channel: 14(1-16) or 13 (0-15).




  • <Korn> (automated automotive cornet, 2008-2010)
    • velocity implemented (sound enveloppe range)
    • attack level and dynamic controller: controller nr.17. normal setting 86
    • attack time controller nr. 18, normal setting = 104
    • tuning controller nr.20 (0 for A=440Hz)
    • valve solenoid force controller nr.25, normal setting= 40
    • pitch bend implemented. (+/- one quartertone)
    • controllers for special fingerings (nr.13)
    • controllers for vertical (nr.22) and horizontal (nr.10) movement
    • Midi Channel: 13 (1-16) or 12 (0-15).


    <Ob> (automated oboe, 2008-2010)

    • velocity implemented (sound volume)
    • attack level controller: controller nr.17. (normal setting 72)
    • attack time controller nr. 18
    • release time controller nr. 19
    • controller 20: tuning (set to 5 for tuning to 440Hz)
    • controller 22: position of the instrument (64= vertical, default)
    • controller 66: on/off
    • pitch bend implemented. (+/- one quartertone)
    • key pressure control implemented for special fingerings
    • lights mapped on the note range 0-5 (velo= flashing speed)
    • Midi Channel: 14 (0-15) or 15 (1-16).




    <Heli> (automated helicon, 2007-2008)
    • velocity implemented (low velo's give sfz effects)
    • sound color controller nr.7. Normal setting 64
    • external audio drive input: controller nr.8
    • dynamic controller nr.17, normal setting 127
    • attack controller nr. 18, normal setting 100
    • release controller nr.19, normal setting 96
    • tuning controller nr.20, normal setting 0 for A-440 Hz
    • on/off controller nr.66
    • pitch bend implemented. (+/- one quartertone)
    • controllers for special fingerings
    • Midi Channel: 9 (1-16) or 8 (0-15).


    developped in collaboration with Ghent University Association

    <Fa> (automated bassoon, 2009-2012)

    • velocity implemented (low velo's give sfz effects)
    • windnoise controller #1, normal setting 2
    • vibrato controllers: #3, #4, #43 (depth,speed, delay)
    • tremolo controllers: #5, #6, #44 (depth, speed, delay)
    • volume controller #7, normal setting 64
    • attackspeed controller #16, normal setting 80
    • dynamic controller #17, normal setting 127
    • attack controller #18, normal setting 90
    • release controller #19, normal setting 72
    • tuning controller #20, normal setting 64 for A-440 Hz
    • controller #22: position of the instrument (10 = vertical, default)
    • controller #30: valve release time-out
    • controller #31: fingered vibrato, normal setting 10.
    • on/off controller #66, A zero value resets all controllers to cold boot values.
    • pitch bend implemented. (+/- one quartertone)
    • controllers 100-103 for special fingerings
    • controller #123: all notes off.
    • channel aftertouch implemented for fingered vibrato
    • Midi Channel: 16 (1-16) or 15 (0-15).




    developped in collaboration with Ghent University Association, School of Arts

    <Klar> (automated microtonal alto or tenor clarinet, 2012)


    • note on with velocity implemented
    • note off with release implemented
    • windnoise controller #1
    • volume controller #7
    • vibrato controllers: #3, #4, #43 (depth, speed, delay)
    • tremolo controllers: #5, #6, #44 (depth, speed, delay)
    • filter controllers: controller #25, #26, #41, #42
    • enveloppe controllers: attack controller #16, #17, #18, release controller #19
    • tuning controller #20, normal setting 64 for A-440 Hz
    • controller #22: position of the instrument (central = 64)
    • controller #30: valve release time-out
    • controller #31: fingered vibrato, normal setting 10.
    • on/off controller #66
    • pitch bend implemented. (+/- one quartertone)
    • controllers #100-102 for special fingerings
    • channel aftertouch implemented for fingered vibrato
    • Midi Channel: 6 (1-16) or 5 (0-15).



    developped in collaboration with Ghent University Association, School of Arts

    An automated microtonal french horn (2013)

    Midi Channel: 14 (0r 15 if counting 1-16)

    • note on with velocity implemented
    • note off with release implemented
    • windnoise controller #1
    • volume controller #7
    • vibrato controllers: #3, #4, #43 (depth, speed, delay)
    • tremolo controllers: #5, #6, #44 (depth, speed, delay)
    • filter controllers: controller #25, #26, #41, #42
    • enveloppe controllers: attack controller #16, #17, #18, release controller #19
    • tuning controller #20, normal setting 64 for A-440 Hz
    • controller #22: position of the instrument (central = 64, down=0, up=127)
    • controller #30: valve release time-out
    • controller #33: F-Horn or Bb-Horn selection
    • on/off controller #66
    • pitch bend implemented. (+/- one quartertone)




    developped in collaboration with Ghent University Association, School of Arts

    An automated alto saxophone (2013)

    Midi channel: 3 (or 4 if counting 1-16)

    • note on with velocity implemented
    • note off with release implemented
    • windnoise controller #1
    • volume controller #7
    • vibrato controllers: #3, #4, #43 (depth, speed, delay)
    • tremolo controllers: #5, #6, #44 (depth, speed, delay)
    • filter controllers: controller #25, #26, #41, #42
    • enveloppe controllers: attack controller #16, #17, #18, release controller #19
    • tuning controller #20, normal setting 64 for A-440 Hz
    • controller #22: position of the instrument (frontal/back)
    • controller #23: position of the instrument (left/right)
    • controller #30: valve release time-out
    • on/off controller #66
    • pitch bend implemented. (+/- one quartertone)


    build on request of LOD for 'De Helden'

    An automated and automotive flugelhorn (2016-2020)

    • velocity implemented (= sustain level)
    • note-off with release implemented.
    • wind noise controller #1
    • vibrato controllers #3 , #4
    • tremolo controllers #5, #6
    • volume controller #7
    • ADSR-period controller #15
    • attack time controller #16
    • attack level controller:#17.
    • decay time controller #18
    • release time controller #19
    • tuning controller #20 (default 64 for A=440Hz)
    • valve solenoid force controller #25, normal setting= 40
    • valve release time-out, controller #26
    • controllers for special fingerings (#13)
    • controllers for vertical (#11) and horizontal (#10) movement
    • controller #66: power on/off with controller reset
    • controllers for wave form parameters: #100-#110
    • controller #123 for all notes off.
    • program change for excitation waveforms (#0 - #11)
    • pitch bend (1/4 tone up or down)
    • Midi Channel: 13 (1-16) or 12 (0-15).




    build without any kind of support

    An automated extended flute (2020)


    • velocity implemented (= sustain level)
    • wind noise controller #1 (default 28)
    • lip controller #2
    • vibrato controllers #3 , #4 (default 8 and 94)
    • tremolo controllers #5, #6 (default 8 and 20)
    • volume controller #7 [default = 84]
    • adsr period controller #15 (default 64)
    • attack time controller #16 (default 36)
    • attack level controller:#17. (default 100)
    • decay time controller #18 (default 32)
    • release time controller #19 (default 80)
    • tuning controller #20 (default 64, for A=440Hz)
    • controller #25: key attack force (default 40)
    • controller #66: power on/off with controller reset
    • controllers for wave form parameters: #100-#110
    • controller #123 for all notes off.
    • program change for excitation waveforms (#0 - #127)
    • pitch bend (1/4 tone up or down)
    • Midi Channel: 14 (1-16) or 13 (0-15).


    build without any kind of support
    finished december 2020

    An automated hunting horn (2020)


    • velocity implemented (= sustain level)
    • note-off with release implemented
    • wind noise controller #1
    • vibrato controllers #3 , #4
    • tremolo controllers #5, #6
    • volume controller #7
    • adsr period controller #15
    • attack time controller #16
    • attack level controller:#17.
    • decay time controller #18
    • release time controller #19
    • tuning controller #20 [default = 64 for A=440Hz]
    • controller #22: up-down position
    • controller #66: power on/off with controller reset
    • controller #80: dynamic range (default 32, for 30dB range)
    • controller #123 for all notes off.
    • program change for excitation waveforms (#0 - #127)
    • pitch bend (1/4 tone up or down)
    • Midi Channel: 2 (0-15).


    build to the order of Alain Van Zeveren, 2021


    An automated Bb trumpet (2021)

    • velocity implemented (= attack level)
    • note-off with release implemented.
    • wind noise controller #1
    • vibrato delay time #2
    • vibrato controllers #3 , #4
    • tremolo controllers #5, #6
    • volume controller #7
    • ADSR-period controller #15
    • attack time controller #16
    • sustain level controller:#17.
    • decay time controller #18
    • release time controller #19
    • tuning controller #20 (default 64 for A=440Hz)
    • valve solenoid force controller #25, normal setting= 80
    • valve release time-out, controller #26
    • controllers for special fingerings (#13, #33)
    • controllers #40-43: waveform for the different registers. (0-14)
    • controller #66: power on/off with controller reset
    • controller #80: dynamic range scaling (-20dB to -60dB in 10dB steps)
    • controllers for wave form parameters: #100-#110
    • controller #123 for all notes off.
    • pitch bend (1/4 tone up or down)
    • Midi Channel: 12 (0-15).


    build to the order of Alain Van Zeveren, 2021


    An automated Eb alto horn (2021)

    • velocity implemented (= attack level)
    • note-off with release implemented.
    • wind noise controller #1 [48]
    • vibrato delay controller #2 [64]
    • vibrato controllers #3 , #4 [8,94
    • tremolo controllers #5, #6 [4,20]
    • volume controller #7 [90]
    • special fingerings #13
    • ADSR-period controller #15 [24]
    • attack time controller #16 [32]
    • sustain level controller:#17. [74]
    • decay time controller #18 [32]
    • release time controller #19 [80]
    • tuning controller #20 (default 64 for A=440Hz)
    • valve solenoid force controller #25, normal setting= 88
    • valve release time-out, controller #26 [32]
    • controller for fingering look up tables #33 [3]
    • controllers #41-43: waveform for the different registers. (1-12) [5,6,3]
    • controller #66: power on/off with controller reset
    • controller #80: dynamic range scaling [62]
    • controllers #100-106 for waveform editing
    • controller #123 for all notes off.
    • pitch bend (1/4 tone up or down)
    • Midi Channel: 13 (0-15).




    a building project finished in 2023 without any kind of support


    an automated kazoo (2023)

    • velocity implemented (= attack level)
    • note-off with release implemented.
    • wind noise controller #1
    • vibrato delay controller #2
    • vibrato controllers #3 , #4
    • tremolo controllers #5, #6
    • volume controller #7
    • horizontal movement controller #10
    • outlet valve control #11
    • exponential horn kazoo switch: #13
    • normal kazoo switch: # 14
    • ADSR-period controller #15
    • attack time controller #16
    • sustain level controller:#17.
    • decay time controller #18
    • release time controller #19
    • tuning controller #20 (default 64 for A=440Hz)
    • motor speed #31
    • motor accelleration #32
    • controllers #41-43: waveform for the different registers.
    • controller #66: power on/off with controller reset
    • controller #69: light automation on/off
    • controller #71: callibrate motor positioning
    • controller #80: dynamic range scaling [62]
    • controllers #100-106: waveform parameter controllers
    • controller #121: reset all controllers
    • controller #123 for all notes off.
    • pitch bend (1/4 tone up or down)
    • Midi Channel: 14





    an automated tenor saxhorn made by Charles Mahillon


    built without any kind of support


    An automated Bb tenor saxhorn (2024)


    • velocity implemented (= attack level, tracking sustain)
    • note-off with release implemented.
    • wind noise controller #1 [48]
    • vibrato delay controller #2 [64]
    • vibrato controllers #3 , #4 [8,94
    • tremolo controllers #5, #6 [4,20]
    • volume controller #7 [90]
    • movement controller #10 [0]
    • special fingerings #13
    • ADSR-period controller #15 [24]
    • attack time controller #16 [32]
    • sustain level controller:#17 (percentage of velocity) [74]
    • decay time controller #18 [32]
    • release time controller #19 [80]
    • tuning controller #20 (default 64 for A=440Hz)
    • valve solenoid force controller #25, normal setting= 88
    • valve release time-out, controller #26 [32]
    • controller for fingering look up tables #33 [0]
    • controllers #40-43: waveform for the different registers. (1-12) [5,6,5,6]
    • controller #66: power on/off with controller reset
    • controller #80: dynamic range scaling [62]
    • controllers #100-106 for waveform editing
    • controller #123 for all notes off.
    • pitch bend (1/4 tone up or down)
    • Midi Channel: 13 (0-15).


    a building project maybe for 2024-2025 without any kind of support

    an automated bass clarinet (2020-?)



    Stringed Keyboard Instruments:


    player piano
    <Player Piano 1>


    • <Player piano> (piano vorsetzer 1)
      • 88 notes: Note ON + velo / Note Off
      • Midi Channel: 0 (0-15), selectable



    • <PP2> (piano vorsetzer 2) [last update february 2016]
      • 88 notes: Note ON + velo / Note OFF
      • Midi Channel: 0 (0-15), fixed
      • Key pressure implemented for note repetitions
      • Program change implemented for 8 different velocity mapping tables (0-7) Default is 2.
      • Controller 66: power on/off switch. Resets the controllers.
      • Controller 90: holding force
      • Controller 123: all notes off
      • Pedal available (controllers 64, 65, 67, 68 range 0-127), for details, see pedal page.


    developped in collaboration with Ghent University Association, School of Arts

    <Spiro> (automated spinet, 2011)

    • velocity implemented (with limited effect, as a default use value 5)
    • gradual muffler register (controllers 28, bass side, and 29, trebble side)
    • on/off controller nr.66 (for compatibility with the other robots)
    • Program change implemented for selection of velo-scale lookup tables. Default to 122
    • Midi Channel: 4 (0-15).




    • <Toypi> an automated chromatic grand toy piano
      • midi channel 10 (0-15) or 11 (1-16)
      • note on with velocity implemented
      • midi note range:
      • lights (mapped on notes 48-53 and 60-67)
      • program changes for velo lookup table selections. default is 122 (compulsary)


    build to the order of Alain Van Zeveren, 2021-2024


    <Pianet> an automated Hohner T-Pianet (2021-2024)

    • midi channel: 0 (0 to 15) or 1 (counting 1-16)
    • note on with velocity implemented.
    • controller #6: Leslie speed (default=0)
    • controller #7: volume of the amplifier (default = 0)
    • controller #10: front back panning controller (default = 64)
    • key pressure for note repetitions implemented




    An automated Sperrhake spinet (2021-2024)

    midi channel: 4 (0 to 15) or 5 (counting 1-16)

    • note on with velocity implemented (when cc80 > 0)
    • controller #27-28: lute register switches [off by default]
    • controller #66: power on/off switch
    • controller #69: lights automation on/off [on by default]
    • controller #80: disable velo automation on/off [0 by default]
    • controller #81: velo override user value
    • controller #123: all notes off
    • key pressure for note repetitions implemented





    made to the order of Marc Sinan

    <Cemba>, an automated harpsichord (2024)

    Midi channel: 0



    String Instruments:


    • <Hurdy> (automated dual stringed Hurdy Gurdy)
      • each string 2 octaves mapped on 40-63 and 64 to 88, transposing according to actual tuning of the strings.
      • controller 1: duration of prepulse on bow pressure solenoid low string
      • controller 2: duration of prepulse on now pressure solenoid high string
      • controller 3: e-drive force low string
      • controller 4: e-drive force high string
      • controller 5: operational mode select (0,1,2) low string
      • controller 6: operational mode select (0,1,2) high string
      • controller 7: bowing motor speed
      • controller 20: actual tuning of low string (range 14-60) [now 33]
      • controller 21: actual tuning of high string (range 14-96) [now 50]
      • controller 22: flageolet controller low string
      • controller 23: flageolet controller high string
      • controller 24: cent correction for low string (0-100)
      • controller 25: cent correction for the high string (0-100)
      • controller 64: damper function on off switch (1= damper off)
      • controller 65: motor automation on note on/off
      • controller 66: bow motor ON/OFF
      • controller 67: direction of rotation of bow motor
      • controller 69: e-bow mechanism switch low string
      • controller 70: e-bow mechanism switch high string
      • controller 71: unconditional damp switch low string
      • controller 72: unconditional damp switch high string
      • bow pressure (separate for each string) (key pressure command)
      • lights: mapped on notes 0 and 1. (on/off)
      • program changes for tangent look up tables and tuning
      • Midi Channel: 9 (0-15)


    developped in collaboration with Ghent University Association

    <Aeio> (twelve string automated and interactive aeolian cello robot) [2007-2017]

    • note range: 36-127, velocity implemented (sound volume)
    • lights mapped on notes 1,2 and 5,6. Velo steers flashing speed.
    • excitation hammers mapped on notes 24-35 (with velocity)
    • individual pitch adjust implemented for tuning.each string (+/- one semitone)
    • program changes for special overtone lookup tables and microtonal applications
    • controllers for bow drive symmetry
    • controller 7: for sound volume
    • controller 64: sustain pedal (releases all dampers)
    • controller 66: on/off controller
    • controller 69: radar control on/off
    • different damping modes implemented (controller 65) Note off with release for damping force implemented.
    • Midi Channel: 1 (0-15) or 2 (1-16).





    developped in collaboration with Ghent University Association, School of Arts

    <Synchrochord> (automated bowed monochord, 2011-2016 under construction)

    • velocity implemented
    • controller #7: e-bow volume
    • controller #31: finger vibrato speed
    • controller #64: sustain on/off
    • controller #66: power on/off switch
    • on/off controller nr.66
    • Midi Channel: 10 (0-15).


    developped in collaboration with Ghent State University and De Centrale

    <Zi> (automated plucked Qanun or Zither, 2017, under construction)

    • velocity implemented. Note off required
    • automatic note repeats using key pressure (tremolo)
    • controller #30: repetition speed
    • controller #66: power on/off
    • Midi Channel: 4 (0-15) or 5 (1-16)





    • <Dripper> (dripping automat, 2002/2005/2015)
      • midi note range: 0-15 (normally limited to 0-11)
      • velocity implemented (drip size)
      • controller 66: dripper on/off
      • controller 127: reset dripper microcontroller [ do not use this in files]
      • Midi Channel: 14 (0-15)

    • <Sire> (24 automated sirens)
      • each siren mapped on a single note 48-71, the frequency being determined by the velocity value given for each siren. The usefull pitchrange for the sirens is 48 to 84. The instrument can be used for microtonal music.
      • Using the MidiPlayer that is part of our <GMT> software, <Sire> also has a pitch mapping mode and a breaking function. See the specific <Sire> page for details.
      • Midi Channel: 12 (0-15)
      • Pitch LSB can be further controlled with controllers 48-71.
      • Lights (all red) : Sire1: 84,85,86, Sire2: 87,88,89 ; Sire3: 90,91,92
      • All Notes Off implemented.



    developped in collaboration with Ghent University Association, School of Arts

    An electronic polymetric conductor with moving metronome arms. (1994/2012)

    • Each metronome mapped on a note: 36 to 43 (Note on/ Note off)
    • Controllers #36 to #43: tempo msb
    • Controllers #68 to #75: tempo lsb
    • Controller #65: Synchronized start command
    • Controller #66: Power on/off
    • Controller #123: all metronomes off'
    • Midi Channel: 0 (or 1 if counting 1-16)


    developped in collaboration with Ghent University Association, School of Arts

    An automated set of cavity resonators operated on very low pressure (2013)

    • Note on + velo: velo steers the fan motor speed
    • Note Off
    • Tungsten lights mapped on notes 120-123.
    • Controller #123: All Notes Off
    • Midi Channel: 11 (or 12 if counting 1-16)




    developped in collaboration with Ghent University Association, School of Arts

    two 4 digit displays (2014)

    • Note off: blanks the displays
    • Note on: NUM and ASCII mode implemented
    • Note pressure implemented
    • Program Change implemented: stopwatch, event counter, analog display...
    • Midi Channel: 0 (or 1 if counting 1-16)




    commissioned in part by the Ictus Ensemble

    a robotic assembly for the performance of 'Ballet Mecanique' by George Antheil (2015)
    <Prop1>, <Prop2>, Prop3>: Three airplane propellers
    <Bello>: Electric bells (documented under percussion instruments)
    <Balsi>: Large siren


    <Prop 1>: Small wooden airplane propeller (2015)
    • Note 40: <Prop1>, speed controlled with the velo byte
    • Notes 126 and 127 control the lights. Velo steers the flashing speed.
    • Controller #66: power on /off
    • Controller #123: all devices off
    • Midi Channel: 13 (or 14 if counting 1-16)


    Prop 2

    <Prop 2>: Large size wood airplane propeller (2015)

    • Note 38: <Prop2>, speed controlled with the velo byte
    • Notes 122 and 123 control the lights. Velo steers the flashing speed.
    • Controller #66: power on /off
    • Controller #123: all devices off
    • Midi Channel: 13 (or 14 if counting 1-16)




    Prop 3

    <Prop 3>: Large size metal airplane propeller (2015)

    • Note 36: <Prop3>, speed controlled with the velo byte
    • Notes 124 and 125 control the lights. Velo steers flashing speed.
    • Controller #66: power on /off
    • Controller #123: all devices off
    • Midi Channel: 13 (or 14 if counting 1-16)




    developped in part for the performance of George Antheil's Ballet Mechanique (Balmec project)

    Finished january 2019.

    <Balsi>: large midi controlled siren, smaller sirens and alarms (2014-2019)

    • Note on/off: steers the large siren
      Pitch msb for the smaller sirens is controlled with the velocity byte
      Controller #24: lsb for the pitch of siren 2
      Controller #25: lsb for the pitch of siren 3.
      Controller #66: power on/off
      Controller #123: all devices off
      Midi Channel 15 (or 16 if counting 1-16)



    made to the order of Stef Kamiel Carlens, 2021-2022

    under construction

    an automated set of maracas

    Midi channel : 10

    Note range: 60 - 74





    a building project we attempt to finish in 2024 or 2025 without any kind of subsidy

    an automated intonarumori-like noise making instrument [2014-2023]

    Midi implementation:

    • Note on/off, with velo and release implemented
    • Controller #66: power ON/Off
    • Controller #123: all notes/devices off
    • Midi channel: 10 (0-15)


        <Klaks>, <Toru>, <Raspa>, <Ribby> [under design and construction]

    Note: we have many more robots than there are midi channels (16), hence we use an 8-port midi device to control the entire M&M robot orchestra. Port setting is handled automatically in our GMT midi fileplayer software, so users do not have to worry about this. As long as you mention the name of the robot in the title of each midi track (use the <name> notation), everything will work fine. Midi files for the orchestra must be in format 1 (multitrack). Use a single track for each robot. Multiple tracks for a single robot (quartertone instruments make this mandatory) are possible, but never combine two or more different robots in a single track.

    For composers wanting to take profit of the visual possibilities of the robots, we made an easy to use synoptic table with the possibilities implemented on each robot. Click here.

    Further Information:


    Port and Channel assignments as used in the Logos Robot orchestra [update 05.06.2024, using an 8/12 port midi device]:

      Port 0 - L Port 1 - L Port 2 L Port 3 -L Port 4 -R Port 5 -R Port 6 -R Port 7 - Gang Port 8 Port 9 Port 10
    Channel 0

    <Player Piano>1

    <Display> [1]


    <pp2> <Display>[2] <Pianet>


    <HY1>   <Poly-Metronome>


    Channel 1 <Casta2>  


      <Simba> <Humanola>

    Channel 2 <Bourdonola>


          <Xy> [442Hz] <Piperola>
    Channel 3 <Asa> <AutoSax> <Bomi> <ThunderWood>
    <Xyq> [455Hz]
    Channel 4 <Spiro>



    <Vitello> <Sper>
    Channel 5 <Psch> <Qt> <Pi> <2Pi> <3Pi> <Klar>
    Channel 6


    <Qtq> <Snar>


    Channel 7 <Steely> <Krum>     <Springers> <Bako>


    Channel 8

    <Ake> <Heli>

    Channel 9


    <Chi>   <Hurdy>  

    Channel 10   <Vibi>




    <Synchrochord> <Shak> <Hat>
    Channel 11


      <4Pi>     <Whisper>
    Channel 12 <Sire> <Korn> <Bug>    

    <Temblo> <Pluck> <Flex> <Trumpeter>
    Channel 13   <Flut>


      <Teno> <Puff> <Bono>
    Channel 14 <So>   <Dripper>   <Kazumi> <Horny>

    Channel 15 <Trump> <Balsi>     <Fa>

    Overview of all controllers used in the M&M robot orchestra (this table became unworkably large and is in need of a user friendly revision... The plugin's for the robot orchestra designed by Alain Van Zeveren are a usefull alternative.)

    Physical setup of the robot network at Logos Foundation:

    Note: Pneumaphone is not a member of the robot orchestra. However its radial compressors (Ventus, Shu. Set, Astraeos and Foehn) can also be midi controlled and hence got an assignment in this table.