About the robot orchestra - Composers' guide - Godfried-Willem Raes' homepage
Bourdonola (automated pipeorgan, flue pipes, bass, 1995) Harma (an automated reed organ. 2000/2005) Harmo (a large automated reed organ. 2009/2010) Melauton (an automated melodica, 1998/2017) Piperola (automated pipeorgan, flue pipes, soprano) Vox humanola (automated pipeorgan, vox humana, 1995-2005) Trump (automated organ trumpet, 1999-2004) Puff (quartertone puff-organ, 2004-2010) Ake (automated accordion, 2003-2008) Qt (quartertone organ, 2005-2007) Krum (automated pipeorgan, reed pipes, 2005-2006) Bako (automated bass accordion, 2006-2007) Bomi (automated pipeorgan, closed wood pipes, 2010) Hybr (hybrid electroacoustic organ using membrane driven pipes, 2014/2015) HybrHi (treble electroacoustic organ using membrane driven pipes (2015) HybrLo (subbas electroacoustic organ using membrane driven pipes (2016)
Klaks (under construction)
Pi (extreme diskant buzzer driven pipe organ, 2017)Slagwerk - automated percussion
Klung (automated brass angklung, 1998 - 2006) Rotomoton (five automated rototoms, 2000 - 2007) Springers (automated siren, shakers and springs, 2000) ThunderWood (automated 'nature' noises, 2000/2010) Troms (automated drums, 2000 / 2004) Vibi (automated vibraphone) Belly (automated carillon, 2001-2006) Flex (automated singing saws, 2002-2016) Tubi (automated quartertone tubophone, 3 octaves, 2004) Llor (twelve large automated stainless steel shell-bells, 2005) Vacca (48 automated cow bells, 2005) Casta uno 1(15 castanets, integrated in Vox Humanola) Casta due (16 castanets, 2007) Vitello (36 automated cow bells, 2006) Psch (12 small thundersheet noise generators, 2006) Snar (an automated snare drum, 2006) Xy (an automated quartertone xylophone, 2007) Simba (a cymbal playing robot, 2007) HAT (a hit anything robot, 2009) Temblo (an automated set of 12 chinese temple blocks, 2013) Rodo (an automated set of clamped brass rods with radar sensors, 2014-2017) Snar_2 (an improved automated snare drum, 2014)- Tinti (high pitched indian bells, 2015)
- Chi (bronze chimes with ultrasonic demodulation, 2016)
Player piano (piano vorsetzer #1, 1994) Hurdy (2 stringed automated bass hurdy gurdy, 2004/2007) Aeio (aeolian cello, 2007-2014) Spiro (automated spinet, 2011) Ribby (ribbon-string instrument, 2012, under construction) Synchrochord (synchronously driven monochord, 2011-2014) Zi (automated 38 string Qanun zither, 2014-2017) under constructionWind Instruments (Monophonic)
Autosax (an automated saxophone, 1989 - 2009) So (tuba playing robot, 2003-2007) Bono (automated valve trombone, 2007-2010) Heli (automated helicon, 2007-2008) Korn (automated cornet, 2008-2010) Ob (automated oboe, 2008-2010) Fa (automated bassoon, 2009-2011) Klar (automated klarinet, 2012) Horny (automated horn, 2013) Asa (automated alto saxophone, 2013)- Bug (automated flugelhorn, 2016-2017)
Bell tryptych (sound sculpture, 1970-1972) Sirene (interactive sound sculpture, 1986) Dripper (dripping automat, 2002 - 2005) Raspa (automated precision ratchet, 2004 - 2015) under construction Sire (24 sirens, 2005) Toypi (automated chromatic 35 note toy piano, 2008) PolyMetronome (an automated polyrhythmic conductor, 1994/2012) Whisper (automated set of cavity resonators, 2013) Rumo (automated intonarumori, 2014-2015) under construction Balmec: Robotic instruments for George Antheil's Ballet Mecanique (airplane propellers, electric bell robot, siren... five modules)(2014-2015)
Prop1 Prop2 Prop3 Bello Balsi
CD Release: <Automaton> (LPD007) CD Release: <M&M> (LPD008) CD Release <More Automats> (LPD012) CD <Machine Orchestra> (LPD013) CD <Robodies> (LPD14) CD <Lonely Robots> (LPD19) The Logos <M&M> Orchestra (<Man and Machine>) Het houten been alleen op stap (notes on automation, in Dutch) Expression control in musical robots (the most exhaustive technical article I wrote sofar on this topic) Composers guide to the robot orchestra (a popular users guide)