Thursday January 10th 2008 - 20h00
Logos Tetrahedron, Bomastreet 26-28, 9000 GENT
fascinating audio visual installation, soundscapes and performance with Moniek Darge and Barbara Buchowiec.
meer informatie
Wednesday January 16th 2008 - 20h00
Logos Tetrahedron, Bomastreet 26-28, 9000 GENT
- "Robots" M&M orchestra
Automat orchestra with dancers, performers and musicians: BarbaraBuchowiec, Marian De Schryver, Moniek Darge, Kris de Baerdemacker, Sebastian Bradt, Xavier Verhelst, Hans Roels, Kristof Lauwers, directed by Godfried-Willem Raes.
more information on the M&M Orchestra
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Friday January 25th 2008- 16h00
De Singel, Antwerp
- "Logos Ensemble: Hans Roels - Dubbelstuk"
ISCM concert. The selected piece is for the logos player piano and live performers.
Friday January 25th 2008 - 20h00
Logos Art O Nivo Gallery, 8000 BRUGGE
- "Levka Ori II"
Multi media show with performers and musicians: Barbara Buchowiec, Moniek Darge, visual artists, soundscape compositions and installations.
Thursday January 31st 2008 - 20h00
Logos Tetrahedron, Bomastreet 26-28, 9000 GENT
- Phoenix duo
Francoise Vanhecke, voice & Stephan Vermeersch, clarinet
meer informatie
Sunday February 3th 2008:
Kultureel centrum Strombeek Bever, Pepernoot Muziekfestival, Vlaams Brabant. 13u30-17u30
- Pneumafoon Projekt
Pneumatic sound sculpture orchestra and audio art installation by Godfried-WillemRaes. With Moniek Darge, Sebastian Bradt, Kristof Lauwers, Godfried-Willem Raes.
More information on the Pneumaphone project
Thursday February 7th 2008 - 20h00
Logos Tetrahedron, Bomastreet 26-28, 9000 GENT
"XPRMTL" M&M robotorchestra
Automat orchestra with dancers, performers and musicians: Marian De Schryver, Moniek Darge, Kris de Baerdemacker, Sebastian Bradt, Xavier Verhelst, Hans Roels, Kristof Lauwers, directed by Godfried-Willem Raes
more information on the M&M Orchestra
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Tuesday February 12th 2008 - 20h00
Logos Tetrahedron, Bomastreet 26-28, 9000 GENT
- Cathy Van Eck, Sebastian Lach Lau, Paul Craenen
A concert on sound and movement with orthodox and less orthodox uses of loudspeakers and their possible extentions.
meer informatie
Tuesday February 19th 2008 - 20h00
Logos Tetrahedron, Bomastreet 26-28, 9000 GENT
- Peter Jacquemyn & Arne Deforce
A concert on improvisation and encounter of different musical worlds.
With visuals by Sigrid Tanghe.
meer informatie
Thursday February 21th 2008:
- 14u (lectures) & 18u30 (concert)
Hogeschool St.Lukas, Brussel
- Godfried-Willem Raes - Impact Sessions
Masterclass and concert-demonstration with some of his interactive devices as well as robots.
With participation of Kristof Lauwers and Moniek Darge.
More info:
Sunday February 24th 2008:
CC Diest, Begijnhof, Infirmeriestraat, 3290 Diest, 13u30-17u00
Vlaams Brabant - Pepernoot festival
- Pneumafoon Projekt
Pneumatic sound sculpture orchestra and interactive audio art installation by Godfried-Willem Raes.
With Kristof Lauwers, Sebastian Bradt and Moniek Darge.
More information on the Pneumaphone project
Sunday March 2nd 2008:
CC Dilbeek, Westrand, Pepernoot festival, Kamerrijklaan, 1700 DILBEEK, Vlaams Brabant
- Pneumafoon Projekt
Pneumatic sound sculpture orchestra by Godfried-Willem Raes.
With Moniek Darge, Kristof Lauwers and Sebastian Bradt.
More information on the Pneumaphone project
Wednesday March 5th 2008 - 20h00
Logos Tetrahedron, Bomastreet 26-28, 9000 GENT. Org.: Muzikon.
"Nieuwe muziekweek Konservatorium: Mikrotonaliteit"
A special concert within the framework of the New Music Week organized at the Department of Music of the Ghent University College.
The special topic is microtonality.
Automat orchestra and musicians.
Compositions by Alois Haba, Mats Ojare, Xavier Verhelst, James Tenney, Kristof Lauwers, Sebastian Bradt, Godfried-Willem Raes
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more information on the M&M Orchestra
More info on the new music week an the conservatory:
Thursday March 6th 2008 - 12h30
Hogent, Music Department, Hoogpoort 64, 9000 9000 GENT
- "Qt" - Quartertone Student Compositions
The <Qt> robot, an automatic six octave quartertone organ, built and developped in collaboration with the Ghent university college, will be presented. New pieces written by the students will be presented.
more information on Qt
Friday March 7th 2008 - 20h00
Karel Miryzaal - Konservatorium - Hoogpoort 64, 9000 GENT. Org.: Muzikon
- "Nieuwe muziekweek Konservatorium: Mikrotonaliteit"
A special concert within the framework of the New Music Week organized at the Department of Music of the Ghent University College.
The special topic is microtonality.
Automat orchestra and musicians.
Soloists: Laure Dermaut (organ), Semen Ludvedev (viola), Hans Roels (laptop), Kristof Lauwers, Yvan Vander Sanden (interfaces), Hans Roels (keyboard)...
Compositions by Barbara Buchowiec, Giacinto Scelsi, Alois Haba, Yvan Wiesniegradski, Kristof Lauwers, Hans Roels, Kris de Baerdemacker, Yvan Vander Sanden, Sebastian Bradt, Frank Nuyts, Godfried-Willem Raes
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more information on the M&M Orchestra
More info on the new music week an the conservatory:
Sunday March 9th 2008:
CC Wagehuys, Predikherenkerk, Brusselsestraat 63, 3000 Leuven, Vlaams Brabant. 14u-17u Pepernoot Muziekfestival
- Pneumafoon Projekt
Pneumatic sound sculpture orchestra and audio art installation by Godfried-Willem Raes. With Sebastian Bradt, Kristof Lauwers and Moniek Darge. More information on the Pneumaphone project
Tuesday March 11th 2008 - 20h00
Logos Tetrahedron, Bomastreet 26-28, 9000 GENT
"Young Composers" M&M orchestra
Automat orchestra with dancers, performers and musicians: Barbara Buchowiec, Marian De Schryver, Moniek Darge, Kris de Baerdemacker, Sebastian Bradt, Xavier Verhelst, Hans Roels, Kristof Lauwers, directed by Godfried-Willem Raes
meer informatie
more information on the M&M Orchestra
Wednesday March 19th 2008 - 20h00
Logos Tetrahedron, Bomastreet 26-28, 9000 GENT
Daan Vandewalle
piano compositions by Gordon Mumma
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Tuesday March 25th 2008 - 20h00
Logos Tetrahedron, Bomastreet 26-28, 9000 GENT
Robert Curgenven (AU)
live remixes of soundscapes
other soundscapes by David Dunn and Ross Bolleter
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Tuesday April 8th 2008 - 20h00
Logos Tetrahedron, Bomastreet 26-28, 9000 GENT
- Frederik Croene
piano solo compositions of Bart Vanhecke, Claude Vivier, Enno Poppe, Stefan Van Eycken, Jonathan Harvey, Michel Van der Aa
meer informatie
Tuesday April 15th 2008 - 20h00
Logos Tetrahedron, Bomastreet 26-28, 9000 GENT
- Apsara + Stefan Prins
recorderduo + live electronics
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Thursday April 24th 2008 - 20h00
Logos Tetrahedron, Bomastreet 26-28, 9000 GENT
- "Glitches" M&M orchestra
Automat orchestra with dancers, performers and musicians: Marian De Schryver, Moniek Darge, Kris de Baerdemacker, Sebastian Bradt, Lukas Huisman, Kristof Lauwers, directed by Godfried-Willem Raes
more information on the M&M Orchestra
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Wednesday April 30th 2008 - 20h00
Logos Tetrahedron, Bomastreet 26-28, 9000 GENT
- Electronic Hammer
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Wednesday May 14th 2008 - 20h00
Logos Tetrahedron, Bomastreet 26-28, 9000 GENT
- "Interbellum" M&M orchestra
Automat orchestra with dancers, performers and musicians: Barbara Buchowiec, Marian De Schryver, Moniek Darge, Kris de Baerdemacker, Sebastian Bradt, Xavier Verhelst, Hans Roels, Kristof Lauwers, directed by Godfried-Willem Raes.
Music by ELT Mesens, Erik Satie, Kurt Weill, Jacob Van Domselaer, Igor Strawinsky, Raymond Scott, Kristof Lauwers, Darius Milhaud,...
more information on the M&M Orchestra
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Tuesday May 20th 2008 - 20h00
Logos Tetrahedron, Bomastreet 26-28, 9000 GENT
- Hallveig Agustsdottir (IC)
audiovisual performance with violin, piano & video
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Tuesday May 20th 2008 - 20h00
Brussels iMAL, Koolmijnenkaai 30, 1080 BRUXELLES
- "Pecha Kucha" presentations logos - M&M
with Moniek Darge and Godfried-Willem Raes. Visit the logos slide-show.
more information
Friday May 23th 2008- 20h00
Amsterdam, Orgelzaal
- "Fred Momotenko: a composers portrait " with logos - M&M
with Kristof Lauwers, Moniek Darge, Kattie Couck and Sebastian Bradt
Tuesday May 27th 2008 - 20h00
Logos Tetrahedron, Bomastreet 26-28, 9000 GENT
- Het Collectief (B)
piano, clarinet & cello trios by Helmut Lachenmann, Wolfgang Rihm & Bart Vanhecke
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Tuesday June 3rd 2008 - 20h00
Logos Tetrahedron, Bomastreet 26-28, 9000 GENT
- Thelema Trio (B)
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Saturday June 7th 2008 - 16h00
Logos Tetrahedron, Bomastreet 26-28, 9000 GENT
- "Open Doors" M&M orchestra
Automat orchestra with performers and musicians: Moniek Darge, SebastianBradt, Xavier Verhelst, Kristof Lauwers, directed by Godfried-Willem Raes.
Music by Kurt Weill, Astor Piazzolla, Kristof Lauwers, Sebastian Bradt, Mainerio, Francois Couperin, Igor Strawinsky, Raymond Scott, Kristof Lauwers, Darius Milhaud,...
more information on the M&M Orchestra
Thursday June 12th. 2008 - 20h00
Logos Tetrahedron, Bomastreet 26-28, 9000 GENT
- Roel Meelkop (NL) & Antonio Della Marina (It)
Live electronics
meer informatie
Saturday June 14th 2008
Opera de Lille (France)
- "Pneumaphone"
A pneumatic orchestra and audio installation designed and build by Godfried-Willem Raes activated by participants and audience. Animators: Moniek Darge, Sebastian Bradt, Kristof Lauwers.
more information on the Pneumaphones
Thursday June 19th. 2008 - 20h00
Logos Tetrahedron, Bomastreet 26-28, 9000 GENT
- "Experimental Tango" M&M orchestra
Automat orchestra with dancers, performers and musicians: Eline Vaningeland, Koen d'Hous, Marian De Schryver, Moniek Darge, Kris de Baerdemacker, Sebastian Bradt, Xavier Verhelst, Hans Roels, Kristof Lauwers, directed by Godfried-Willem Raes.
Tangos by Astor Piazzolla, Anibal Troilo, Sebastian Bradt, Godfried-Willem Raes, Karel Goeyvaerts, Leroy Jenkins...
more information on the M&M Orchestra
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Thursday July 2nd. 2008 - 20h00
Logos Tetrahedron, Bomastreet 26-28, 9000 GENT
- Jenny Chai (US)
American new music for piano
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Thursday July 24th 200814h00 - 18h00
Logos Tetrahedron, Bomastreet 26-28, 9000 GENT
- Logos' Open Deur met het M&M orkest
Automat orchestra with Emilie De Vlam, Kris de Baerdemacker, Sebastian Bradt, Xavier Verhelst, Hans Roels, Kristof Lauwers, directed and commented by Godfried-Willem Raes
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more information on the M&M Orchestra
Friday-Sunday 25th-27th 2008 - 20h00
Cork, Ireland - Open air event
- "Singing Bicycle Symphony" - Godfried-Willem Raes
A special open air event now produced in the streets of Cork. With 24 bicycle riders monitored and coached by Moniek Darge and Katie Couck.
Een verslag.
Friday August 8th 2008 - 20h00
Logos Tetrahedron, Bomastreet 26-28, 9000 GENT
- "De lemniskaat" - Logos Ensemble
A special program on 888 and the illusions of infinity and hidden gods in music directed by Godfried-Willem Raes.
With special guests Prof.dr.Jean Paul Van Bendegem and pianist Ward De Vleeschauwer..
meer informatie
Wednesday August 13th 2008 - 20h00
Logos Tetrahedron, Bomastreet 26-28, 9000 GENT
- "Ba Rock" M&M orchestra
Automat orchestra with performers and musicians: Sebastian Bradt, Xavier Verhelst, Kristof Lauwers, directed by Godfried-Willem Raes. Recycled baroque music. With special guest soloists Marcel Ketels (recorders), Ludwig Van Gijsegem (voice) and Stefaan Smagghe(baroque violin).
more information on the M&M Orchestra
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Wednesday September 3th, 2008 - 21h00
Logos Tetrahedron, Bomastreet 26-28, 9000 GENT
- "ISSSM" Visit to the M&M orchestra
Automat orchestra with wireless radar and sonar interfaces developed at the Logos Foundation and introduced by dr.Godfried-Willem Raes. With the collaboration of Yvan Vander Sanden, Moniek Darge, Kristof Lauwers.
more information on the M&M Orchestra
Thursday September 11th 2008 - 20h00
Logos Tetrahedron, Bomastreet 26-28, 9000 GENT
- Cinema Concrète
Experimental movies with musique concrète from the '60ies
Music by Bernard Parmegiani, Pierre Henry, Francois Bayle a.o.
meer informatie
Tuesday September 16th 2008 - 20h00
Logos Tetrahedron, Bomastreet 26-28, 9000 GENT
- "Inter-facing" M&M orchestra
Automat orchestra with dancers, performers and musicians: Barbara Buchowiec,Marian De Schryver, Moniek Darge, Yvan Vander Sanden, Sebastian Bradt, Xavier Verhelst, Kristof Lauwers..., directed by Godfried-Willem Raes.
World premiere of a new robot: <Toypi>, a robotic toy piano.
more information on the M&M Orchestra
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Tuesday September 23rd 2008 - 20h00
Logos Tetrahedron, Bomastreet 26-28, 9000 GENT
Martin Tchiba (D)
Piano solo works of Nikolaus A. Huber, Michael Denhoff, Gerhard Stäbler, Helmut Lachenmann & Daniel N. Seel.
meer informatie
Tuesday October 7th 2008 - 14h00
Maastricht, Netherlands
- 'Music Boxes' Moniek Darge
Speciale voorstelling met performances door Moniek Darge met enkelevan haar nieuwste muziekdozen. Met Moniek Darge en Katie Couck.
Thursday October 9th 2008 - 20h00
Logos Tetrahedron, Bomastreet 26-28, 9000 GENT
Konstantin Gockel (D) & Walter Lievens (B)
2 violin virtuosos
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Tuesday October 14th 2008 - 20h00
Logos Tetrahedron, Bomastreet 26-28, 9000 GENT
Jez Riley French & Co (UK)
piano, field recordings & visuals
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Thursday October 16th 2008 - 14h00
Logos Tetrahedron, Bomastreet 26-28, 9000 GENT
- 'Building a future' M&M orchestra
Speciale voorstelling voor de Koperen Passer. Met Barbara Buchowiec, Moniek Darge, Sebastian Bradt, Xavier Verhelst, Yvan Vander Sanden, Kristof Lauwers, onder leiding van Godfried-Willem Raes
more information on the M&M Orchestra
Thursday October 23th 2008 - 20h00
Logos Tetrahedron, Bomastreet 26-28, 9000 GENT
- "Music Theatre" M&M orchestra
Automat orchestra with dancers, performers and musicians: Barbara Buchowiec, Marian De Schryver, Moniek Darge, Yvan Vander Sanden, Sebastian Bradt, Xavier Verhelst, Kristof Lauwers, directed by Godfried-Willem Raes.
Compositions by Kurt Weill, Mauricio Kagel, Raymond Scott, Sebastian Bradt, Kristof Lauwers, Yvan Vander Sanden...
more information on the M&M Orchestra-
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Tuesday November 4th 2008 - 20h00
Logos Tetrahedron, Bomastreet 26-28, 9000 GENT
trio PROmoZICA (F-R)
Daniel Kientzy (saxophones), Cornelia Petroiu (viola) & Reina Portuondo (electronics)
recent Romanian compositions
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Tuesday November 18th 2008 - 20h00
Logos Tetrahedron, Bomastreet 26-28, 9000 GENT
- "Polyrhythms" M&M orchestra
Automat orchestra with dancers, performers and musicians: Barbara Buchowiec, Marian De Schryver, Moniek Darge, Yvan Vander Sanden, Sebastian Bradt, Xavier Verhelst, Kristof Lauwers, directed by Godfried-Willem Raes.
Compositions by Gyorgy Ligeti, Godfried-Willem Raes, Peter Vermeersch, Kristof Lauwers, Charles Ives, Conlon Nancarrow, Sebastian Bradt...
With the introduction of our newly finished <Bono> robot...
World premiere of a composition for the robot orchestra by Hanne Deneire.
more information on the M&M Orchestra
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Wednesday November 19th 2008 - 15h00
Logos Tetrahedron, Bomastreet 26-28, 9000 GENT
- 'Building a future' M&M orchestra
Speciale voorstelling voor de Koperen Passer. Met Sebastian Bradt, Xavier Verhelst, Yvan Vander Sanden, Kristof Lauwers en Godfried-Willem Raes
more information on the M&M Orchestra
Tuesday November 25th 2008 - 20h00
Logos Tetrahedron, Bomastreet 26-28, 9000 GENT
- Natasha Anderson (Australia)
Recorder & (Live)-Electronics
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Saturday December 6th 2008 - 20h00
Logos Tetrahedron, Bomastreet 26-28, 9000 GENT
- "40 Years Logos"
A flashy program with special guests and speakers: Johan Huys, Lieven Decaluwe, Luk Darras, Jean Paul Van Bendegem, Herman Baeten, Marc Leman.
Automat orchestra, dancers, performers and musicians: Marcel Ketels, Dirk Moelants, Moniek Darge, Kristof Lauwers, Marian De Schryver, Yvan Vander Sanden, Xavier Verhelst, Sebastian Bradt, Godfried-Willem Raes.
Big feast with inauguration of the new building. Food and drinks...
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Tuesday December 9th 2008 - 20h00
Logos Tetrahedron, Bomastreet 26-28, 9000 GENT
- Nadar Ensemble: "Entartung"
directed by Daan Janssens
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Thursday December 18th 2008
- 20h00
Logos Tetrahedron, Bomastreet 26-28, 9000 GENT
- "Flux-us" M&M orchestra
Automat orchestra with dancers, performers and musicians: Barbara Buchowiec,
Marian De Schryver, Moniek Darge, Yvan Vander Sanden, Sebastian Bradt,
Xavier Verhelst, Kristof Lauwers, directed by Godfried-Willem Raes.
With music and performances by Nam Yun Paik, George Brecht, Alison Knowles,
Kristof Lauwers, Jackson Mac Low... This concert will feature world
premieres by Lukas Huisman as well as the newly finished brass quartet
in just intonation by Godfried-Willem Raes.
more information on the M&M Orchestra