Logos Women in Budapest
Once more, the Logos Women, Françoise Vanhecke and Moniek Darge,
are invited to perform at the Performance Festival Perfomedia, which this
year is held at the famous 2B Gallery in Budapest (Hungary).
Address: 2B Gallery, 1092 Bp., Ráday utca 47. www.2b-org.hu
This festival will take place on June 28-29and 30th.
Moniek and ç they will bring soundscapes, sound poetry and Music
Box performances.
The film, "A Naked Robotic Love Story" of the American filmmaker Jesse
Roesler, about the Logos Duo, the music robots and the Music Boxes will
also be shown.
Nieuw! RR van Moniek Darge en Françoise Vanhecke
Performance tijdens het koncert <M&M> Sense and Sentiment op
13 februari 2013
Download (5:58 - mp4 file
- 44 MB)
The Logos Women, Françoise Vanhecke and Moniek Darge, are invited
to perform on Friday November 23th 2012 at the Audio Art Festival at Krakow.
At the Bunkier Sztuki they will bring Music Box performances, as well
as soundscapes and sound poetry.
Also the film "Man & Machine. A Naked Robotic Love Story" of the American
filmmaker Jesse Roesler, about the Logos Duo, the music robots and the
Music Boxes will be shown.
For more information please see: www.audio.art.pl
Logos Women soundscaping in the Himalayas
Moniek Darge from the Belgian Logos Foundation has been soundscaping since the '70s. Her soundscapes try to paint an aural picture of different locations in the world. Recently she has also created collective soundscape compositions with other female composers.
This August, she will go to the Indian Himalayas (Ladakh) with Basia
(Barbara) Buchowiec in order to soundscape nature, wildlife, Buddhist
monks chanting, city sounds etc.
Ladakh is the northernmost tip of India and the Logos Women will stay
at an altitude of between 3500 and 5000 metres. They will stay in the
capital of Ladakh, called Leh, as well as in smaller places such as Ulaytokpo
and Nubra and they will visit the fabulous Tso Moriri Salt Lake. Leh is
the furthest place on Earth from the sea. The castle of Leh resembles
the famous Potala of Lhasa in Tibet.
The Tso Moriri Lake is the largest high-altitude lake located entirely
in India (4595m) and is only accessible in summertime. More news soon
about this adventurous soundscaping project there!
Concert at "ISSUE Project Room" in Brooklyn New York on Nov. 18th
Music by Logos Women (Francoise Vanhecke and Moniek Darge).
At the ISSUE Project Room in NYC Moniek will present some of her soundscape
The 3 days Issue festival (Nov. 17-18-19) also features work by the Fluxus
artist Alison Knowles, with whom Moniek already collaborated during the
80es and the New Zealand soundscaper Annea Lockwood, about whom Moniek
published an article for Gynaika.
The Logos Women concert onthe 18th will also feature Francoise Vanhecke
and guest, Kye editor and soundscaper Graham Lambkin.
The most recent soundscape of Moniek (2011) brings sounds from Tamil Nadu in India and evokes the aural worlds of nature, rituals, commercial music and traffic. The composition, a commission by Issue Project Room, was made possible with the support of the Flemish government.
Another soundscape composition she will present is a collective work with singer, composer Francoise Vanhecke. They will perform "East Crete, Mother Goddess", which is entirely compiled of sounds from Crete.
"East Crete. Mother Goddess" 2008-2009
After soundscaping
for some years in south west Crete with mainly nature sounds as the result,
we decided to try our chances in the better-known part of the island.
We settled down on the east coast and started our sound hunting... you'll
hear the result.
The project is part of a larger artist event called Levka Ori, which
takes place yearly in Crete. Artists from different media come together
and what started off as a landart intitiative has become an intermedia
event. The central location is a site high in the mountains which we named
Magnesia, after Plato's famous Magnesia, attracting people to build a
kind of utopian society. When standing on Magnesia all you hear is wind
and you have a 360 degree-wide view of the mountains around. Quite an
impressive experience.
We have tried to evoke the atmosphere of the island with sounds and recall
the ancient hope for a utopian society.
At ISSUE Moniek will also present her latest CD with soundscapes. It appeared on the American Kye label. It's a remake of her first solo LP "Sounds of Sacred Places". In most ethnic cultures, sacred places serve an important social function. "Sounds of Sacred Places" attempts to transform the listener into a living witness of the sounds of similar places in our surrounding culture.
With the support of the Flemish Government
The Logos Women - De Logos Vrouwen
The Logos Women are a flexible group of composers, performers, singers and musicians linked to the Logos Foundation. Using soundscapes (often made collectively) and many non-conventional instrumental and vocal techniques, they aim for intriguing play that produces a tight web of fascinating sound colours.
The group was founded by multi-disciplinary performer Moniek Darge and includes Françoise Vanhecke (composition and voice), Barbara Buchowiec (composition and viola), Marian De Schryver (dance, performance), Karin De Fleyt (flute), Gerd Jeurissen, Kati Couck and Helen White. It has collected sounds, composed and performed in Belgium, Crete, Britain, France, Italy, India, Japan, China and Brazil.
At the core of the LOGOS WOMEN's playing lies the interaction between the different members of the group, the way they musically react to one another. The interaction can range from imitation, through contrast to negation. Thus a broad set of possible responses to one another unfolds itself, which is a necessary condition to achieve an exciting 'musical conversation'. During numerous rehearsals the LOGOS WOMEN have grown accustomed to a common musical vocabulary and to each others musical personalities.
With this knowledge as a common ground they achieve on stage a non-verbal dialogue. During performance a spontaneous macro structure is developed, without any prior agreements. The motto being: listening to one another with open ears and acute sense of observation and to react to one another alertly. Using as many nonconventional instrumental techniques, they strive towards an intrigating play, whereby all sorts of new sounds are produced with traditional instruments. This produces a tight web of fascinating sound colours. Not melody, nor rhythm are central in this sort of interactional improvisation, although short rhythmical passages or tiny melodic fragments are not excluded.
The Logos Women at Perfomedia
Ponte Nossa, Italy, June 2011
Photo: Aron Szierkiewicz
Performance at the Logos Tetrahedron on August 30th, 2010
Moniek Darge, Françoise Vanhecke, Barbara Buchowiec
Françoise Vanhecke en Moniek Darge
Colour Out of Space Festival 2009, Brighton.
Ro Cemm (UK): "I just wanted to drop you a quick note of thanks for your show at Colour Out Of Space this weekend past. It was my highlight of the festival."
Adris Hoyos & Graham Lambkin (USA-NY): "A friend of mine who attended the festival said you were a standout act"
Singer Françoise Vanhecke and performer Moniek Darge, the founder of the group, work together in many different ways. Firstly as soundscapers, for example with their collective composition "East Crete, Mother Goddess", which is entirely compiled of sounds from Crete.
"East Crete. Mother Goddess" 2008-2009
soundscaping for some years in south west Crete with mainly nature sounds
as the result, we decided to try our chances in the better-known part
of the island.
We settled down on the east coast and started our sound hunting... you'll hear the result.
The project is part of a larger artist event called Levka Ori, which takes place yearly in Crete. Artists from different media come together and what started off as a landart intitiative has become an intermedia event. The central location is a site high in the mountains which we named Magnesia, after Plato's famous Magnesia, attracting people to build a kind of utopian society. When standing on Magnesia all you hear is wind and you have a 360 degree-wide view of the mountains around. Quite an impressive experience.
We have tried to evoke the atmosphere of the island with sounds and recall the ancient hope for a utopian society.
Moniek Darge and Françoise Vanhecke also collaborate as vocal improvisors. At the core of the LOGOS WOMEN's playing lies the interaction between the different musicians, the way they musically react to one another. Thus they achieve on stage a non-verbal dialogue. During the performance a spontaneous macro structure is developed, without any prior agreements. The motto being: listening to one another with open ears and acute sense of observation and reactubg to one another alertly. This produces a tight web of fascinating sound colours. Neither melody nor rhythm are central in this sort of interactional improvisation.
They also perform sound poetry: "Kasik" is the title of a poem based on Turkish words and sounds. Moniek Darge wrote it inspired by the sounds of the language of her many Turkish neighbours.
And last, but not least, the duo perform with Moniek Darge's music boxes
For bio's and more info, please visit our websites:
FraMon at The Bijloke Concert Hall Gent during a Music Box Performance:

Samenwerking SMAK - LOGOS
Suchan Kinoshita is een Japanse beeldende kunstenares die een geluidentafel maakte. Deze tafel werd aangekocht door het SMAK.
Stichting Logos werd aangesproken om de tafel tot klinken te brengen. BasiaMo nam tijdens de vernissage van de tentoonstelling het bespelen van Kinoshita's tafel voor hun rekening. Ook Kristof Lauwers en Hans Roels hebben af en toe de tafel bespeeld.
BasiaMo is the viola violin duo Barbara Buchowiec and Moniek Darge.
The MoKa women

Moniek Darge (violin, voice) and Karin De Fleyt(flute).
This duo released a CD together: <CyClic>
by the MoKa women. It is the first CD on the Logos Public Domain label,
devoted to royalty-free music.
Donations to the emancipation of humankind.
In the past Geertrui Van Hoorde (violin), the Texas violinist Jane Henry, Nicole Ledegen (voice) and Tine Hofman (voice/acting) Francesca Verbauwhede (1968-2023) (violin) and Ann Vancoillie (violin) have also participated in the Logos women.
The Logos Women were featured in Gonzo 100
The Logos Women are also mentioned in the book by Simonne Claeys ",Het Tweede Thema", of de verwaarloosde geschiedenis van de componerende vrouw, Alamire, 2002, ISBN 90-6853-150-6. This book brings us a fascinating and well written history of women composers in the western world, starting from the middle ages and up to today. The book can be ordered directly from the editor, Alamire (160 p., 18,95 Euro, ordernr. LUG12) or purchased at the Logos Foundation.
Read the chapter about Moniek (in Flemish)
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Last updated on July 31, 2020 by