Logos Duo
Moniek Darge & Godfried-Willem Raes
The logos duo -devoted exclusively to the creation and the performance
of new music- has grown from the logos ensemble, founded in 1968/69 by
Godfried-Willem Raes. Moniek Darge joined the group, and the later duo,
in 1970. Since then they have presented concerts all over the world. Festivals,
Concerts and concert tours, happenings and events...
"Pure experience, no pamphlet
The Logos Duo, Godfried-Willem Raes and Moniek Darge, from Ghent, Belgium,
celebrated its 25th birthday. For 25 years, not only as concert organizers,
but also as performing composers, they have been reaching out for everything
that is new and experimental in music. This jubilee is being celebrated
by the release of their CD LOGOS WORKS.
The Logos Duo has created a place in Ghent where the most varied kinds
of new music can be heard. Next to this their own work has been heard
all over the globe. From Brazil to Japan to the US. The duo met in the
early seventies in an atmosphere of social and political protest.
Music is a 24 hour/day activity for Moniek Darge and Godfried-Willem Raes.
Their personal lives and artistry are intricately intertwined. But in
the course of the years their aesthetic views have changed, and have now
become almost opposite. They solve this conflict on the LOGOS WORKS CD
by alternatingly presenting their respective works. Raes' algorithmic
music is hereby confronted to the nature sounds and ritual tableaux of
Darge." (Frank Pauwels, De Gentenaar). In 1997 the Logos Duo they were
given the title of official cultural embassadors of Flanders.
Logos Duo 30th anniversary
in December 2000
photographs: Benn Deceuninck
Important Logos Duo Performances over the
- 1968 Gent, Royal Conservatory of Music, Antwerp, Flemish
Conservatory of Music, Gent, State University ('Logos 3/5')
- 1969 Izegem, Gent, Brussel, Palais des Beaux Arts 1970
Gent, Akademie voor Schone Kunsten
- 1971 Gent, Akademie voor Schone Kunsten, Festival Elektronische
- 1972 Liege, Conservatoire Royale de Musique Koeln,
Belgisches Haus, Bonn, KulturForum Amsterdam, BIM-Huis Brussel, Palais
des Beaux Arts, Gent, Akademie voor schone kunsten, Mixed-Media Festival
- 1973 Knokke, XPRMTL-festival Gent, Akademie voor Schone
Kunsten, Mixed-Media Festival
- 1976 Kortrijk, Krypte, BRT3 Bonn, Kulturforum Amsterdam,
Stedelijk Museum Brussel, Theatre Stalker, Entra'xes Festival Poitiers,
Festival de Theatre experimental et de Musique Contemporaine
- 1977 Gent, Arca theater, Mixed-Media Festival, Museum
voor Hedendaagse Kunst. Concerts in Roeselare,Meulebeke, Lebbeke...
- 1978 Antwerpen, Oranjehuis, Mixed-Media festival Aalst,
't Fabrieksken, Palais des Beaux Arts
- 1979 Gent, Logos Koncertstudio, Brussel, Mallemunt,
Concerts in Veurne, Brugge... Utrecht, 't Hoogt, Claxon-geluid
festival, Middelburg, Vleeshal
- 1980 New York, Experimental Intermedia Foundation <Rain>,
Soundscape, Pass-studio London, London Musicians' Cooperative Bristol,
"...and Music" Festival , Arnolfini Arts Centre of Bristol.
Rotterdam, 'Dissonanten' Festival
- 1981 Firenze, Italia, GAMO-New Music Festival Ravenna,
'La Banda di Cospirazione Musicale', Bologna, Music Conservatory Essen,
Germany, "Klang und Spielstrasse"<Deus ex Machina>, <Serpent
Box>, <Bellenorgels>
Rathaus. Brussels:, ISCM- World Music Days, BRT3
- 1982 Copenhagen, Denmark, Dut-Concert, Musikkonservatoriet
USA, New York, West- Broadway Atlantic Gallery New York, WBAI-radio
concert Greece, Athens, Institut Français, Thessaloniki, Theatre.
- 1983 Australia, Tasmania, Hobart, ANZART-Festival Melbourne,
"Image 83" Festival, Melbourne, La Trobe University Auckland, New Zealand.
Spain, Madrid, Universidad Complutense Germany, Essen, 'Klang und Spielstrasse':
<Pneumafoon> Brugge, 't Leerhuys
(Schwitters) BRT3
- 1984 Australia, Alice Springs, Araluen Centre for the
Arts , opening festival Australia: Melbourne, Sydney, Darwin, New Zealand,
Wellington University, Christchurch University, Music Department Canada-
tour: Parallel Art Galleries Circuit: Moncton, Regina, Winnipeg, Saskatoon,
Halifax,Montreal,Ottawa New York City, "Roulette" on West-Broadway <Bratchebraut>,
London, LMC, "...and Music 84" Festival Eindhoven, Apollohuis , Echo-Festival,
Amsterdam, Ijsbreker, "Nootweek" <Holosound>
- 1985 Lisboa, Fundacao Calouste Gulbenkian , Portugal
Arnhem, <Stormfugle>, <Turkish Square>; "Kijk Muziek" Festival
(Stadhuis) Gent, "International Radio Solstice Event" multiplex with
the USA and New Zealand. New York, New Wilderness Foundation, <Soundtrack>,
<Singing Bicycle Symfony>
Italia ,Rome, 3rd Festival of Bracciano., <Holosound>;
<Singing Bicycles> Germany: Concerts in Stuttgart, Bonn, "Tage
der Neue Musik", München, Alabama Halle. Boston, Massachussetts,
Moebius-Theatre, Milwaukee, Woodland Pattern, Washington D.C., DC-Space
Dartmouth, Dartmouth College of Hanover N.H, New York, Intermedia Foundation
- 1986 Italia, Ferrara, Aterforum Festival , <Pneumafoon>
Canada: St.Johns, Newfoundland International Sound Symposium, <Holosound>
Canada, Banff, Intermedia Department of the Banff Art Centre Brasil,
University of Brasilia, <Holosound> Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Museum
of Modern Art, <Holosound> Brasil, Sao Paulo, New Music Festival
New Music Festival of Santos, <Holosound>. Brasil, Santos, Festival
de Musica Contemporanea, <Holosound> New York, Experimental Intermedia
Foundation, Fusion Arts Gallery, New Wilderness Foundation
- 1987 Las Vegas, University of Nevada at Las Vegas,
<Holosound> Santa Barbara, Contemporary Arts Forum , San Francisco,
Tenth Street Theatre, <Holosound>
Boulder, Colorado, Centre for New Music Ressource Los Angeles, KPFK-Radio
concert. Luxemburg, Sound Poetry International Festival France, Strasbourg,
'Festival Jeunesse-Technology', <Holosound> Switzerland tour:
concerts in Winterthur, Sankt Gallen, <Holosound> Concerts in
Amsterdam , Gent, (LEF-Festival) <Klankboot>,
<Halte>, <AbbeySounds>
- 1988 "World Concert Tour": Rwanda, Kigali, Centre de
Rencontres, <Hex>, <Holosound>
Kenia, Nairobi, Nairobi University, Music Department, <Hex>, <Holosound>
Thailand, Bangkok, The Bhirasri Institute of Modern Art , <Hex>,
<Holosound> Hong Kong, Hong Kong University ,<Hex>, <Holosound>
New Zealand, University of Wellington ,<Hex>,<Holosound>
University of Auckland ,<Hex>,<Holosound> International
New Zealand Festival for the Arts. Linz, Linz, Audio Arts / Ars Elektronika
Festival,<Hex>,<Holosound> Concerts in San Marino, Rimini,
Terni, Firenze.
- 1989 Poland, Krakow, Poznan, Kazimierz Dolny and Lo/dz
U.S.A.tour: Alabama ,Birmingham, Knoxville, Chattanooga, Washington
D.C., New York City. Brasil , Festival Musica Nova '89 , Santos, Sao
Paulo Salvador de Bahia, Brussels, Palais des Beaux Arts, "Auto
Mobile" ,<Toetkuip> Brussels,
VUB, Free University of Brussels,<Hex>
Assenede, "Holder de Polder" Fesival ,<Ohre>,<2bv-2b>,<Singing
Bicycles> Delft ,Den Haag, "Holosound"
- 1990 Japan: Tajima Performance Festival, Bizen Music
and Performance Festival, Tokyo, Striped House Art Museum Concert-Series
<ManMo>., Stage- concert at Awa-Ikeda
on Shikoku Island. UK-Tour: Leeds, Sheffield Switserland, Bern: Paul
Klee Museum , <Hex>
New York, Roulette on West Braodway, <Shifts>, <Hex> Flanders:
Hasselt, Provinciaal Museum, Zonnebeke, Cultural Centre, Berlare, Neerpelt,
Hoge Rielen, pneumafoon Brussel, Vox Populi, <Talking
- 1991 Eindhoven: Studium Generale, 'Technische Universiteit',
<Fugues>, <Holosound>
Alicante, Symposium 'Postmodernidad y Vanguardia', Ghent Opening Logos
Tetraeder <ManMo>
- 1992 Heverlee, De Bron ,<Book
of Moves>Australia, Perth, EVOS & PICA, Perth Institute
for Contemporary Art. Melbourne Linden Art Gallery, <Book of
Moves> JAPAN, Tokyo, Furu-Furu Gallery, P-3, Zen-temple, Shikoku,
Summer Festival of Miyoshi-Gun. China, Beijing , Shanghai Centre Theatre,
<A Book of Moves> Spain, Lugo, <A Book of Moves>
<Plum Blossoms>. Germany :
Köln (Stadtgarten), Wiesbaden (Moltkerei) , Bonn (Beethovenhalle);
Italy, Bolzano (Schloss Maretsch), <A Book of Moves>.
- 1993 Austria, Krems, 'Zur.Zeit' Festival,<Virtual
Jews Harps>,<A
Book of Moves> Poland: Krakow, Warschau, Audio-Art Festival,<A
Book of Moves> USA, Buffalo, Hallwalls, Contemporary Arts Centre
at Buffalo ,<A Book of Moves> New York, Experimental Intermedia
Foundation, <A Book of Moves> Nederland: Eindhoven, Technical
University , Amsterdam, Gaudeamus Foundation, 'Stedelijk Museum'
- 1994 Poland: Warshau Autumn Festival ,<A
Book of Moves> Leuven: Pieter de Somer Aula,<A Book of Moves>
Gent, State University, Aula, ICC- Science Week, <A
Book of Moves
- 1995 Brazil, Festival Musica Nova, concerts at: Santos,Campinas,
Sao Paulo, Ribeirao Preto,<Songbook>,<B.O.M.>
Brazil, Sons da atualida festival, Belo Horizonte, <A
Book of Moves>, <Songbook> France: Cassel, 'Festival de
Musique Contemporaine' Nederland: Amsterdam, De Ijsbreker, Eindhoven,
Apollohuis,<÷<Songbook> USA-Tour: San Jose, State University,
Berkeley, Mills College, Phoenix, Arizona State University Tilburg,
Gent, November Music Festival, <Songbook>[
- 1996 Gent, New Music Week, <Player
Piano recital>, Kortrijk University, <Songbook>, Schwaz
(Austria), <A Book of
Moves>, <Songbook>
. Leuven, Flanders Festival, <Mach'96>,
premiere of a major composition by Godfried-Willem Raes for steamengines,
player-piano, tubas and violins.
- 1997 Gent, New Music Week, <Winter96>,Brussels,
Elsenhof: <Hex>, <Musicboxes>,
Madrid, Circullo de bellas artes <A
Book of Moves>,<Songbook>
, Gent, street parade, <Le Grand
Coucou>, Herne, Germany, Transform Festival (Joachim Brackx and
Godfried-Willem Raes): <Songbook>,
Amsterdam, Gaudeamus Music Week <Holosound-Installation>,
Krakau, Audio Art Festival, Poland, (Logos Trio: Joachim Brackx and
Logos Duo): <Songbook>,
November Music, Den Bosch, Netherlands <Pneumafoon>
, <Holosound-Installation>
Oorsmeer , Gent <Holosound
Installation>, <Virtual
Jews Harps>, Kolveniershof Antwerp <Counting
down from -747>
- 1998 California
Tour: (Logos Trio: Joachim Brackx and Logos Duo) San Jose (SJSU),
San Francisco (KPFA-radio) <Songbook>,
Antwerp, Kolveniersgracht S.E.M. <Caete>,
'Kunst onder acht' <Singing Bicycles>,
<Cloudrider> , Ghent
International Street Theatre Festival: <Rooie
Niki>, Gent 'De muren
weten ervan...'
- 1999: Indonesia tour (Logos Trio: Joachim Brackx and
Logos Duo): Jakarta, Bandung, Jogyakarta: <Songbook>;
<A Book of Moves>.
- 1999: (Logos Trio: Karin De Fleyt and Logos Duo) Sweden,
Stockholm, Fylkingen: <Songbook>;
<A Book of Moves>,
- 2000: Logos Quartet (Karin De Fleyt, Joachim Brackx
and Logos Duo): Concerto Antarktissimo in direct link with Palmer Station,
Antarctica (Douglas Quin, soundscaping composer on Antarctica); Utrecht:
Pierement Museum, Hulste; Logos Trio (Karin De Fleyt & Logos
Duo): Muizelhuis: <Songbook>;
<A Book of Moves>,
<Caete> and trio improvisation
on flute, clarinet, violin; Logos Duo: Leuven, Wagenhuys Cultureel Centrum
<A Book of Moves>;
July 24th to august 8th: Logos Duo Third Japan Concert tour: Hiroshima,
Shimane, Kawamoto, Soundplay Festival, Shikoku.<Songbook>;
<A Book of Moves>,
international improvisation on violin & clarinet, and with Kumi
Wakao improvisation for 2 violins; August: Karin De Fleyt performs "MusicBox"
by Moniek Darge in the cupboard designed by Bruno Poelaert: Champs d'Action
in Middelheim Park, Antwerp; October: Lille, France, (Marc Maes &
Logos Duo), Festival Chants Mécaniques, Exhibitions of Gorgola
(<Barrelorgan>: Vox
Humanola, <Piperola>);
score of <ManMo>; October: Eindhoven,
Technische Universiteit: <Web
Strikes Back>, Tromp festival, Slag_werk by Godfried-Willem Raes:
Godfried and Kristof Lauwers; November: Schaarbeek, Brussels 2000, Nemo
(Baudouin De Jaer),with among works of several instrument buiders also
the Logos <Pneumafoon> performed
by Karin De Fleyt, Marc Maes, Leonaar De Graeve, Kurd Vande Velde &
Logos Duo; December: Aveiro Festival, Portugal (Logos Quartet: Duo plus
Karin De Fleyt, Joachim Brackx & 5 students Hogeschool Gent: Vanessa
de Fauw, Eva Van de Voorde, Bruno De Busschere, Kristof Lauwers, Brent
Wetters, a.o.) <Songbook>,
- 2001: Universiteit
Gent (February); 40 years of Amnesty International, Gravensteen, Gent
(May); Singing Bicycles in Bavikhove
(July); Logos Kabouterwerkgroep, Huis van Alijn, Gentse Feesten (July);
Ought-One Festival in Vermont, USA (August); Antwerp, Tourcoing <Chants
Mechaniques>; Vooruit Gent (Pneumafoon), M.I.M. Brussels: <Musicboxes>
& <Holosound>;
Herne, Kling Klang (Machines)...
- 2002: Toetkuip-project,
Brugge 2002, Kulak University, Canada <Songbook>;
<A Book of Moves>,
Poland, Enschede
- 2003: Enschede (Netherlands), Beograd
(Servia) April Festival: <Songbook>,
Barcelona (LEM Festival), Publication of <2
gather> CD, LPD009.
- 2006: Macerata Festival: Player piano
music. KriKri Festival (Ghent):
Lettrism en sound pooetry program.
- 2007: Brussels, MIM: 'A Book of Moves'

photograph: Pauline van der Zee
Discography:Published LP & CD Recordings:
year |
title |
author |
medium |
publisher |
country |
1973 |
Logos - 'Integratie' |
Duo |
LP |
Flanders |
1979 |
"For Grooves" |
Duo |
LP |
Government |
Flanders |
1979 |
"Bellenorgel" |
Raes |
LP |
IGLOO004 |
Wallonia |
1982 |
"Composition/Improvisation" |
Duo |
LP |
IGLOO011 |
Wallonia |
1986 |
"Pneumafoon" |
Raes |
LP |
IGLOO050 |
Wallonia |
1986 |
"Sounds of Sacred Places" |
Darge |
LP |
IGLOO056 |
Wallonia |
1989 |
"Murphy" |
Duo |
LP |
portugal |
1991 |
Mighty Risen Plea
:"logos duo: live improvisations on african fiddle from mali""
Duo |
Double LP |
Ightyr i senple
ed.Sacred Frame, Tucker Georgia, 1991
1995 |
"Logos: WORKS"
Duo |
CD |
XI117 |
1997 |
Festschrift for Jackson Mac Low's 75th Birthday |
Compilation CD
"ShSh" performed by the Logos duo |
CD |
ISSN 1093-4577
1998 |
"Cyclic: Moka Women CD" |
By Moniek Darge and Karin De Fleyt. Soundscapes of a bicycle wheel
and music for flute, violin, voice and fiddle from Mali |
CD |
LPD001 |
1998 |
"Nieuwe Muziek in Vlaanderen" |
Compilation CD with: "Fall'95" by Godfried-Willem Raes |
CD |
R3 98007 |
1999 |
"EA" |
electronic music from the logos studio |
CD |
PD003 |
Ghent Flanders |
1999 |
"SEM25" |
electronic music in belgium |
double CD |
SEM25 |
Antwerp Flanders |
2001 |
"Soundplay 2000" |
Logos duo at the Hiroshima Soundplay Festival: <Songbook>,
<Book of Moves> by Godfried-Willem Raes, improvisations, pieces
by John Cage... |
CD |
Hiroshima Japan |
2002 |
"M&M" |
music for robots and musicians |
CD |
PD008 |
Ghent, Flanders |
2003 |
"2 Gather" |
logos duo album |
CD |
Ghent, Flanders |
2015 |
recordings from the Logos archives 1972-1982 |
double LP |
Sub Rosa |
Bruxelles |

Logos duo: What
the press said:
"The exciting range of sounds, harmonies
and rhythm effects startled the audience" , The Morning Star, Australia
"Logos Duo, one of Europe's leading
ensembles for avant-garde music, multi-media performance and improvisation"
, The Darwin Star, Australia
"The Logos Duo style of avant-garde,
experimental music is unique" , The Advertiser, Australia
"Innovation's the key" , The Dominion,
New Zealand
"Belgian Logos stands out among avant-garde"
, New York Tribune, USA
"Godfried-Willem Raes exhibited great
virtuosity in modern techniques on an assortment of clarinets, including
an 18th- century Basset horn, and several mechanical devices. The improvisations
themselves showed how well the duo interact." , New York Tribune
"The duo has a rugged individualism
which gives it a distinct American flavor absent from most European modernists."
, New York Tribune , USA
"Logos-Duo uit Gent toont wereldklasse"
, Eindhovens Dagblad, Nederland
"Raes toonde zich hier een uiterst
creatief instrumentenbouwer. Samen met Hugh Davies en Michael Waisvisz
is hij de grote pionier op het gebied van zelfbouw electro instrumenten",
Eindhovens Dagblad
"Logos Duo has been a pioneer in
avant-garde music presentation" , The Little Hoya , Washington D.C., USA
"Logos Duo is on the cutting edge
of one of the most important movements in art and music since the advent
of polyphonic orchestration" , The Little Hoya, Washington D.C., USA
"Logos Duo, from Belgium, has occupied
a prominent and unique place in the international music scene. Versatility
and inventiveness characterize their activities in the realm of dance,
avant-garde music and mixed media performance." D.C.Space, Washington
combinatie muziek en dans vormde een zeer boeiend en overtuigend geheel"
, De Nieuwe, Vlaanderen
"I was intrigued with their ability
to create humor and mood through sound
coupled with body movement" , Evening Telegram, Canada
"Extraordinario duo Logos, da Belgica"
Cidade De Santos, Brasil
"Moniek e Godfried sao dois autenticos
artistas. Os sons, as posturas, as mimicas se integraram num espetaculo
consistente, convincente, realmente musical" Jornal Do Brasil
"I enjoyed the extraordinary sound
effects" , E.T.Halifax, Canada
"The instruments and their sounds
are striking" , Option Magazine, California, USA
"Within the international experimental
music scene the Logos-Duo has occupied for various years a prominent and,
in many ways, unique place. Versatility and commitment are, perhaps, the
terms which most readily come to one's mind should one try to characterize
briefly the activities of Moniek Darge and Godfried-Willem Raes" , Albert
Mayr, Firenze, Italy
een intermediaal projekt van Godfried-Willem Raes en Moniek Darge - samen
het Logos Duo - hoort eigenlijk thuis bij de meest vooruitstrevende experimentele
realisaties, waarbij de grens tussen muziek en performance begint te vervagen.
Darge en Raes deden het wel biezonder fijnzinnig en overtroffen daardoor
heel wat vergelijkbare demonstraties.", De Standaard, Vlaanderen
"Ons trof vooral de schitterende
prezentatie van de twee onmiskenbaar originele nummers" , De Standaard,
realiteit werd geladen met symbolische zeggingskracht" , De Gentenaar,
"De plaat "Improvisation, Composition"
is warm aanbevolen voer voor liefhebbers. De muziek van Logos weet 40
minuten lang te boeien." , Veto, Vlaanderen
"The Logos Duo, a wonderfully communicative
and creative pair of Belgian musicians named Moniek Darge and Godfried-Willem
Raes." Bangkok Post, Thailand
"Duo" , Knack, Marleen Wynants
Logos Duo and the robot orchestra
(Seikyo Shimbun)
Order the Logos Works CD or the <2
gather> CD
the Logos : Works CD for only 12.50 Euro (15 US $)!
Order the <2 gather> CD for only 10.00 Euro (15
giving your coordinates as name and address. You will receive your CD
as soon as possible.
Bookings & Information:
Logos Foundation
Kongostraat 35
B-9000 GENT
Belgium tel.:[32]-9-223.80.89
Concert Brussels, 02.2008
Last update by Moniek Darge: 2020-10-01