Electronic legacy equipment pictures:
precision voltmeter, with standard cell, 1962 (for sale)
Comb filter
to create pseudo stereo from mono, 1972
Voltage Controlled
filter, 1973
level mixer and amplifier, 1974
sensitivity modular mixer, 1985
High sensitivity mixer,
Klein + Hummel amplifiers: (1973)

Revox G36 (1964) , with modernized tape reproduction electronics:

Quadrophonic audio distrubutor: 12 in / 4 out / 2 out

Piezo-preamps with phantom power and balanved outputs:

Piezo-preamps with 1/4" jack in- and outputs, battery operated:

In 1968, these were the Truvox taperecorders we used in the Logos workshop:
These decks were produced in the early fifties and when we got them,
we transistorised the circuitry right away.
Klein+Hummel Teletest NF-Wattmeter WM10
In perfect working condition.
Last updated: 2020-08-22