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performance instructions for the <GMT> version
The <GMT> version of this composition allows pure
electronic or electromechanic realisations as well as
performances whereby one or up to four instruments can play
together with the computer/synthesizer .
of the software:
install <GMT> on a Wintel PC under a directory named
The software needs following files:
- gmt.exe
- gmt.ini
- gmt_lib.dll
- g_lib.dll
- shifts.cfg
The gmt.exe file has to be a specific build for shifts.
The required files can be obtained via request by e-mail to
the Logos Foundation.
the application:
run gmt.exe, either by clicking the name of the file in
windows explorer, or - if you made a shortcut- by clicking
the <GMT> icon.
The main setup menu should mention that
the program's build contains the code for <Shifts> by
Godfried-Willem Raes.
Now you should perform following actions in the order as
mentioned here:
1.- select 'Output Devices' (pop-up menu)
2.- select MIDI-Output devices
3. If you have more than a single midi output device, a
message box will be displayed listing all possible midi
output devices found on your hardware. This list is numbered.
Choose a midi device using an external port (such as SB16MIDI
Out [330], or Roland MPU401...). Remember the number to be
choosen and click OK to make the messagebox disappear. If you
have no midi-out devices, you cannot run <Shifts>,
4. A toolbar should be displayed now, with numbered
buttons. Click the button with the number corresponding to
the midi device you want to use for this performance of
<Shifts>. The program should react with a confirmation
message box saying 'Win32Api started as midi output server'.
Close the message box by clicking OK. If for any reason the
midi port cannot be opened (for instance if it is in use by
another application...) you cannot run <Shifts> and you
will get an error message.
5. Click on the pop-up menu label 'External Equiment'. A
first pop-up appears, displaying brand names or descriptions
of sound generating devices. To perform shifts you can only
- Yamaha
- Robot Automats
Of course you should only select items you own and have
effectively connected to the midi out port of your computer.
If you selected EMU, another pop-up will be displayed,
presenting you a choice of synthesizer modules that can be
used. For Shifts you should limit your choices to the
following list:
- EMU Proteus2
- EMU Proteus3
- EMU Proteus2XR
- EMU Proteus2000
- EMU Proformance
- EMU Proteus3XR
If you selected YAMAHA, you can choose between:
- TX81Z
- FB01
- FB01-Sinewaves
If you selected Robot Automats, you can only choose the
player piano. This choice only works well with a Trimpin,
Raes/Trimpin, Yamaha Disklavier player piano connected. The
Playola Vorsetzer cannot be used because of latency problems
making the device less suitable for real time performances in
combination with instruments.
6. Using the left most pop-up menu, labeled GMT-Compositions,
select the author, Godfried-Willem Raes, then in the pop-up
follow the choice Algortihmic compositions, further follow
SHIFTS at which point you are presented a choice between:
- Shifts for Instruments
- Shifts for player piano
- Just Shifts
- Dim Shifts
If you selected the player piano as an output device, the
choice will be obvious here. The choices here differ in the
note-mapping and pitch organisation used for the calcullation
of the composition.
Usually, performers will have to select 'Shifts for
Instruments', the Just version requiring special instruments
tuned in just intonation, the Dim version being plain boring
if used for performances...
If a message box shows up, it displays the pitch sets used
for composing the piece. Just click o.k. There is no error if
you do not get this message box.
7. The last step in this window, requires you to select
the Start GMT tab and click GMT Main.
The main opening window vanishes and the GMT-emgine
cockpit window is displayed in the upper right
corner of your screen.
Window settings:
1. Click the button labeled Score ON. A blank window
should appear in the lower left corner of your screen.
2. Now you should select the musical parts you want to use
as source for the notes the performer is presented to play.
These parts are selected by clicking the tasks labeled:
- Twos
- Threes
- Fours
- Sixes
- Sevens
- Eights
- Nines
You can click as many as you want.
3. Now click the SCORE task, rerouting
the output of the voices to the score display window.
4, If you want real time controll over midi volumes for
all channels you use, click the Levels07 for the midi
channels 0 to 7, and Levels8F for the channels 8 to 15. The
choices display windows with horizontal sliders, the function
of which will be pretty evident... Before starting the
program, please first drag the windows to a convenient place
on your screen. Dragging windows during program runtime, may
endanger real time performance of the program.
5. Now you can start the composition by clicking the
button labeled START ON . Do not click
<Shifts>. This task will we started and
selected automatically by using the START ON button.
6. You should now hear <Shifts> playing.
Whilst the program is running and Shifts is
playing, you can controll the dynamical range of the voices
by using the sliders in the cockpit. The upper slider
controls the dynamical range for the voices 0 to 7. The lower
one, idem for the voices 8 to 15. If you opened the level
controllers, of course you can adjust individual instruments
volumes using the sliders.
Playing tempo can be modified using the up-down
buttons on the extreme right of the cockpit window. The upper
U/D controll increments/decrements playing tempo with slight
intervals (ca. 1%). The middle U/D controll augments/decreases
tempo by 50%. The lower U/D controll doubles/halves the
playing tempo.
The Bind ON button, binds
repeated notes within the parts of the piece.
The Sost ON button,
suppresses note-off commands and should only be used when FB01
synths are selected.
the score:
The number of notes shown in the score window corresponds
to the number of part-display task you have activated. The
maximum being equal to eight. The notes playing / to be
played for each part are displayed on their own fixed
horizontal position on the staff. Performers should keep
their eye on a selected position in the staff and attempt to
immediately play the note displayed. They can add
ornamentation by borrowing notes from other activated parts,
at their own discretion.
Good luck!