Moniek's Music Boxes

These alternative music boxes are telling a poetical audio-visual story, with tiny sounds, subtile light reflexions and a little liberating kitsch or humour as ingredients. From childhood on music boxes were fascinating me. Once I visited a small family museum at the back of Beaubourg in Paris, to discover the most fabulous collection I've ever seen or heard. From that day on music making' became even more exciting: I visit flea markets, looking for the most appealing, still silent, box and listening to the sounds in my head. What kind of sound will I decide to escape from what kind of box? Once a box is choosen I start working on the visuals. Little by little my ears become pregnant of the most appropriated sounds. Soundscaping as well as building alternative music boxes are adventureous travels into the audio-visual world. The vast universe of audio art is there to be explored.