lpd013 <M&M>
Machine Orchestra
p e r f o r m e r s for this CD:
Moniek Darge computers
Barbara Buchowiec computers
Sebastian Bradt computers
Hans Roels piano & computers
Kris De Baerdemacker computers
Godfried-Willem Raes directorMachines:
<Vox Humanola>
Prijs: 10,00 Euro, binnenlandse verzending = 2,50 Euro, internationale verzending = 5 Euro
Price: 15,00 Euro international shipping included
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On this new CD by the Logos M&M ensemble a collection of newly composed pieces for the orchestra were brought together.
This professional group focusses on the interaction between man and machine and has its permanent residence at the Logos Foundation. The machines are all electro-mechanical robots designed and built by Godfried-Willem Raes. On previous CD's in this series (LPD007: Automaton , LPD012 More Automats, LPD008 M&M) we have documented the individual automats and some of their capacities as well as a first album of compositions for groups of robots. On this new CD, all the automats form an orchestra. Some of the pieces are exclusively based on real-time composition-code, written for the computer network that controls the automats, others are written in a more traditional way, scored, sequenced and orchestrated for the robot orchestra.
The CD reflects a momentary 2004 snapshot of the ongoing efforts of the ensemble to redefine musicianship. The adventure of this process can be followed by picking up some of our monthly concerts at the Logos Tetrahedron in Ghent and by paying a visit to our regularly updated website:
Building musical robots has been an ongoing activity in the Logos Labs since its very beginning in the late sixties. It is one of the many results of our investigations to develop new tools for musical expression.
All music on this CD is hereby put in the public domain. It can be freely distributed, even in public spaces as well as broadcasted provided the origin and the authors are always mentioned.
for player piano and pianist
performed by the authorSebastian Bradt: Treefingers
for <Bourdonola>, <Vibi>, <Harma>, <Piperola>
Moniek Darge: Alviceba orchestrated for M&M
for <piperola>, <bourdonola>, <humanola>, <player piano >, <so>, <trump>, <harma>
performed by the authorGodfried-Willem Raes: Fuga #23b
for the complete orchestra
interactively performed by the author. Orchestrated by Sebastian BradtSebastian Bradt: Tan/Go
for the complete orchestra
Kris De Baerdemacker: Study #12
for <player piano>, <Tubi>, <So> and audiotracks
performed by the authorGodfried-Willem Raes: Jacobs Doodle (1996)
for the <Bourdonola>, <Piperola>, <Vox Humanola>, <Harma>, <ThunderWood>
- 1.- Jacobs Ladder
- 2.- Jacobs Pipe
- 3.- Jacobs Jam
- 4.- Jacobs Jumps
interactively performed by the author.Barbara Buchowiec: ZipenZap
for robot orchestra
performed by the authorGodfried-Willem Raes: Tango Flamenco
for the complete orchestra, orchestrated by Sebastian Bradt
programmed and orchestrated by:
Godfried-Willem Raes, Kristof Lauwers, Kris De Baerdemacker, Barbara Buchowiec, Sebastian Bradt, Moniek Darge, Hans Roels and Xavier Verhelst.
recording & mastering:
Kristof Lauwers & Nikita Chudjakov
cover design:
Bert Vandekerckhove
release date: february 2005
last update: 2009-01-11