utils to transform the scanned score of eral browns december 1952 into useable data. all code very specific for this project! - plane dimensions are hardcoded! readbitmap: "december1952.bmp" > "december1952raw__.dat" (downsampled interpretation. each bit is a pixel, 1 = filled in, dimensionss: 1018 - 876) filterraw > "december1952raw_2_.dat" first filtering.. filtermoreraw > "december1952raw_3_.dat" now we have only rectangles dat2coords > "december1952_coords.dat" contains array of 33 types with info on rectangles (coords, dimensions,...) > "december1952_coords.txt" human readable version of the above.. analysecoords > "december1952_analysis.txt" contains min/max/average of params makescore > "december1952_score.dat" coords translated to score interpreteted by gmt december1952.inc: gmt module that reads _score.dat >>>> for the mapping: 1. height <=5 Vibi: tremolo rescale [28 - 817] to vibi.range 2. 5 <= height <= 30 Troms: tremolo rescale [28 - 817] to troms.range 3. width < 30 Belly: 1 beat, cluster rescale [28 - 817] to belly.range 4. not 1, not 2, not 3, height > width Thunderwood map [28 - 817] to components, according to sounding pitch map surface to velo 5. not 1, not 2, not 3, width > height Piperola / bourdonola, clusters rescale/map [28 - 817] to piper.range, but make sure we allways have clusters!