Installation for
Installation for

Installation procedure for <GMT> software development

1.Create following directories on your C: drive

here we will put the binaries for the compilers PBDLL, PBCC, PBRES, RC and editors PBEDIT, CCEDIT .... We do NOT distribute nor publish these files. You have to get (read buy) them from Powerbasic. (cfr. http://www.powerbasic.com) . Its a small enterprise trully deserving our support and their compilers are not only great, they are also very reasonably priced.


this directory is optional and will hold only source code to be compiled to EXE with the CC compiler (PowerBasic Console compiler)
It is a good repository for code experiments.

this directory is optional and will hold only source code to be compiled to EXE or DLL with the DLL compiler
this will be the working directory for all GMT code
This will be the destination for the files you get on unzipping gmt_source.zip (available from the logos website at
http://www.logosfoundation.org/gmt/gmt_source.zip Specific application/composition code may be placed in directories below this one.
This directory should include all declarations and include files that allow you to make use off the procedures contained in the Microsoft Windows kernel.
Do not use the version delivered and installed by Power Basic, since it contains some bugs. You can obtain the complete contents for this directory by
unzipping the file gmt_includes.zip. This file can also be downloaded from the logos website at:
Essential files are:
    • Win32api.inc
    • Wsock32.inc
    • Toolhelp.inc
    • Richedit.inc
    • Resource.h
    • mdi32.inc
    • ddt.inc
    • commctrl.inc
    • comdlg32.inc
    • g_win.inc: only the declares effectively used in gmt. This one can replace all of the above windows api declarations.

If you want to run or to develop software using the optional National Instruments NiDAQ library -this only makes sense if you also have their hardware
(data acquisition cards)- you will also need the following files:
    • nidaq32-pb.inc
    • nidaqcns-pb.inc
    • nidaqerr-pb.inc
    • regdefs-pb.inc

These have been adapted to Power Basic by us and they are not available from National Instruments.
Including these files assumes you also have installed the NiDAQ software that comes with National Instruments boards and hardware.

In order to use our support for the MarschallSoft ftp libraries, you also need:

Optional directory you may want to create, for putting all references and user manuals for GMT. The can be downloaded from the logos site and you should
regularly update your files, since we are continuously adding and improving our documentation.

2. Start PBEDIT.EXE (now at version 7.02)

The editor opens and you can now load gmt.bas. This module should always be the main module. Although nothing prevents you to add your own code to this module, it is highly advisable never to do so. Each system upgrade would bring you in risk of loosing your own work... So you should choose a new file and write your own application in one or more separate files. You can include your code either by adding a single include statement in the header of gmt.bas, or (better) in the module studentsxx.bas.
If you want your finished application to be included in the opening menu, you can contact the author in order to obtain a series of specific constants for identification.

Installation procedure for <GMT> runtimes and applications

Create following directories on your C: drive:


The files required in this directory are:

Often applications will need extra files (mostly data files) in order to run and initialize properly. Read the instructions for the application as provided by the author.

Specific applications and their file requirements:




<Due Cose...>

<A Book of Moves> , <Songbook>







<Processing #4>


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