UserPort.txt The files UserPort.sys and UserPort.exe are required if you want to have access to your printer port using the GMT g_n*h.dll library. These file stem from an lp object for Pure-Data, taken from zexy (pd project) ported by Olaf Matthes. Adapted to GMT use by Godfried-Willem Raes, 28.05.2002. To get it running under WinNT/2000/XP a special kernel driver is needed. These systems do not allow direct access to I/O ports. The subfolder 'UserPort' contains a kernel driver that handles the I/O stuff. Just copy the file UserPort.sys into c:\winnt\system32\drivers and run the program UserPort.exe. Click on 'Start' and then 'Exit'. If you ever whish to remove the kernel driver start the programm again and click 'Stop'. Under Win95/98/Me all this is not needed!!! Good Luck!